Posts by Locutov

    As Wilde said, Happy Pills are utterly useless.. they are like Penicilline, take too many, and your body will begin to adapt to them. as for anger and beating someone, he wants to get rid of it, not succumb to it..

    heh, funny though. anyway, as I said, congrats Taw, with your mod-ship, may you have better luck with it then I did. This brings me to an interesting thesis.. When most of us went off to parts unknown, the whole thing came to a bit of a grinding halt.. but however, since one returns, they all return.. In the downtime, ive been getting involved though with another project, allow me to explain for a bit, Ive been a Waterscout for almost Ten years (installed and sworn in @ 15 october 1995) a mate of mine, started a project 3 years ago, its called <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Site</a>, the site and forum are comprised of scouts Scattered all over The Netherlands, a mate of mine asked why I wasn´t still registered (that was april 2005) so I went lurking all over again, and 1st of May (yes yes I know, common to the spirit I joined on Labour Day (Or MayDay as its alternatively known)) and started posting like mad. so thats also a reason I haven´t been active very much. Ive been to a Meet and a Rowing Match in Gent sofar with em.

    Simply that I basically run a storage, and run the Logistics (transports, incoming and outgoing goods) I keep hours for all the colleagues, or basically put, employees, im basically a sub employer

    these are just my opinions, and some may not be heeded, but anyway, Arania, good to see you back at your feet, now just to keep on moving. Make yourself strong against what comes, in other words, truth has all the boyancy of a piece of Uranium, so it will come sinking in with a regular interval. you know now how this feels, so you can arm yourself against the feeling. in my understanding, almost any advice from a person that doesn´t know what you are going through, is almost worthless, their words as such may hold little meaning, if it weren´t for their willingness to help, which absolves the uselessness (almost), as for Girls?? I really can´t be much of help, seeing im Gay, so if you want help on it, ask around, see if someone has had similar problems, and contact them personally for their experience, they can help you much better 1:1, then 20:1 I hope this settles it, I hope this advice was of any help, and I hope you can still enjoy your teen years

    Google Talk sucks eigh?? pardon me for saying this, but I heard that before.... Right before they introduced Gmail..

    @Taw, sure its there, but they stick the AP marker right in a bit of farmland Next to schagen, about 10 miles south of the actual position, you know where it is, because youve been there, another man who has never been in the area, let alone country, migh

    The Last real book I read and found very interesting, was either a bundle of shortstories by Nescio (old Dutch writer and author) or De Leeuw van Vlaanderen (by Hendrik Conscience, a famous Belgian writer that lived around 1830, also wrote: De Loteling) those were story books, the book I am working on now, is a monster called Opkomst en Strijd van de Friesche Arbeiders partij (Rise and Conflict of the Frysian Labour party, yes taw, im still reading it, im about up to the middle 1890´s, with the coming of the SDAP and Pieter Jelles Troelstra, and Domela Nieuwenhuijs)

    Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery they say, but there are limits... I don´t look at photoshops by preference, but ive seen the occassional good one (but then again, and no offense Jabez, They were made by people who work with the program on a professional basis) as for my own art, it wouldn´t be allowed in here, they are simple paints, and use MANY symbols, including religious (cram that discussion please!!) symbolism, my only regret is that paint requires a very steady hand to actually write something, including lingua, or the sense of detail that goes into one squirly line.

    @ Stormtrooper... click the linky for the previous photo thread, search for Erasers photo, and BANG!! youve got my façade (if all else, Final, would you be so kind as to provide an image?? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=