Posts by dmonds


    I've had a look around various sites but cannot find what I'm looking for.

    Can someone please point me to a resource which lists any/all of the command line arguments I can use with FLServer?

    In particular I need it to autostart cleanly, without me having to click "OK" for the Server Config popup, if my windows server reboots.

    Thanks for any help.


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I found the IONCROSS stuff!
    Just what the doctor ordered!

    I've played with mods a bit before and have FLMM1.3.
    To clarify my third question...

    I have a server at home and my kids just discovered FL and wanted to play multiplayer.
    They're a bit young and to make it easier, I activated the beam weapons and invulnerable shield mods.

    So do I need to activate the mods on each PC or, will I need to activate it on the server itself?
    (or all PCs and the Server?)

    Many thanks again!
    You've been great help.


    I have a few questions;

    1) Is there any way to change the defaults of the standard FLServer?
    For example, can a newly created player be given more credits to start with? A different Ship? Start on a different planet?

    2) Are there better FL server programs around than the one supplied with the game?

    3) I assume the standard FLServer program sets everyone to the same default level and that any mod (eg beam weapon) won't work, so, how do I allow certain mods to work on the server?

    Many thanks for any help offered.


    Quote from "Mentalchaos"

    Please if anyone has time, let me know how they like the download section?



    Looks good so far.
    Much easier to use than a month back (when I re-aqainted myself with LR after a lengthy hiatus!)

    Will be even better once catalog and descriptions are completed.

    Great work on the new site so far guys...glad you're back!

