Posts by knife

    well i never used maya, but procedure should b same, for instance try:
    duplicating surface (where u want hp)
    then create texture for surface with name only (ie HpMount01)
    i think it will work...
    does anyone else had sucsess with editing in maya?
    coz if theres exporter in maya which can work with FL it would b rly nice

    hint ... u can find milkshape on torrents ....

    if u have model in milkshape, (ie totaly new ship), just copy another triangle over existing and give it texture name which has HardPoint01 or similar, then refere to that in shiparch.ini

    Can u guys pls stop saming in signatures with pictures, its making mess in reading,
    or perheps admin can allow only txt signatures,
    and pls have some disency fiew lines only not novell on signature,
    dunno how to explain those pictures r so anoying
    isnt avatar enough to express ur 'uniqness'?

    imo it will be good that ppl which find some interesting stuff, like tutorials just link it to forum
    it would b easyer to categorise them like that, and would save alot..
    for instance i u find tutorial for 3d modeling, link it to forum etc..

    downloads work fine
    pay attention on login username and password
    tlrdownloads <- its with s on the end
    download <- without s

    that way crackers wont hit and its still easy to remeber

    Freelancers guild is concept of ever growing universe, we have rebuilded our site and players last 2 monts after server was down for fiew months
    You are most welcome to visit us on:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    We are running custom mod which started as small addons to Evolutions 1.29, and after 6 months grown into something which is actually vanila with huge addon, we have rebalanced all guns, equipment,

    rewrited back all ship dynamics,

    added about fiew dozens of ships, and systems

    clanbased structure with clanbases, clanships, clanreputations

    also we have rewriten all vanila ships so they are matched to modded ships, they dont fail apart and register correct hitpoints
    all fighters are rebalanced to vanila eagle,
    any fighter has advantages/disadvantages (ie no uberships), lvl8, lvl9, lvl10, lvl superheavy

    rewriten capitalships as well so they dont fail apart no more, and fully rebalanced them, capital ships are uniq on guild
    they rly feel like Battleships

    rebalanced vanila freighters hump, piratehump, drommy, testudo to assult freighter class, lvl10 guns, lvl9 fighter shields

    rewriten transports so they have new clases now
    assult freighters (cca 500t) fighter class freighters
    light trains (cca 1100t) fragile, but manouvarable transports
    medium trains (cca 2000t) fragile, but manouvarable
    large trains (up to 5000t) fragile, but maouvrable, not defensless
    heavy armored (liners, gasminers, prisons) cca up to 2000t with 300.000 hull and tranpsort guns
    miner class, armed with homing missles 4000t 200.000 hull

    repless trading, and traderoutes which pay best if u fly all around sirous not just back-forwards

    fighers have classes also, they are all depending on ur fight style, lower fighters lvl8, are very agile
    but they have lower number of gunmounts and powerplants, less missle slots etc
    up to superheavy fighters with 4xlvl9, 4xlvl10, 2xtorp, wasp slots with slow turning rates

    special ships, like comet which engine is faster then ingame cruise time
    it can catch any other ship ingame eaven within cruise, 1 gun + wasp
    repair ships with 20000 hanobots,bats,
    heavy loaders, which fly 180 on engine, but have no cruise nor thruster,
    and carry cca 2000t

    heavy npcs, heavy armed clanbases (carry more power then battleship),

    players start with full neutral reputation, they are neutral to all npcs, and only hostile
    is nomads

    systems are grouped into house order, so theres new houses
    romanov, zoners, nomads

    best equipment is hidnen only on wrecks it cant be buyed ingame.

    arena system, inplanet maze race track, and more surprises

    almost all is flyable, from lost ships in vanila up to gasminers, nomad layer, etc

    EXTENSIVE ROLE PLAY (read rules they r easy and they require u to fight alot, and DIE alot :) )
    Pirate, Hunter, Trader, Mercenary, Smuggler, Assasin, Nomad, and any faction npc are regulated,
    bats/bots prohibited when fighting players; F1 to intercept = instant ban!; no dock-kick;
    winner is decided on number of deaths of opponent, or by opponent surrendering.

    all guns and speeds match vanila

    here are some vids from our site,
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
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    good luck and cyas in space.

    hello hello this attitude is what we need,
    good to hear nice words
    best wishes to u too, soup, and welcome.

    that is resonable suggestion, ur point about giving it some time is also good thing, theres no need to get into this discussion while it 'doesnt get on its feet', i agree that we should w8, and not in any way rush desidions, i didnt mean to sound like i was pushing or something, just general discussion while site grows up.
    as u said community is its participants, and what i persnaly was allways saying good community doesnt needs no admins, so im all satisfied without no title, basicaly it was mentioned to reduce 'smurf influx' into threads and spamming.
    i look forward in discussing it logicaly and appliancy wise as well as to hear other oppinions.

    untill gets updated for ppl from germany they might expiriance some trubble, coz it needs removing zone by admin from dns, untill they get legal notices from root dns u can use public dns-es

    some other which is out of ring of .. .
    use some university dns or something ...
    authority is correctly moved theres no problem with dns at all

    heres debug:

    [dusan@mainframe ~]$ dig <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

    ; <<>> DiG 9.5.0b1 <<>> <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
    ;; global options: printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43776
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 4

    ; IN A

    <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. 14030 IN CNAME 14031 IN A

    ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 86031 IN NS 86031 IN NS

    ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 14030 IN A 14030 IN A 14030 IN A 14030 IN A

    ;; Query time: 8 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Mon May 19 21:43:43 2008
    ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 182

    [dusan@mainframe ~]$ dig

    ; <<>> DiG 9.5.0b1 <<>>
    ;; global options: printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25022
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 4

    ; IN A

    ;; ANSWER SECTION: 13941 IN A

    ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 85941 IN NS 85941 IN NS

    ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 13940 IN A 13940 IN A 13940 IN A 13940 IN A

    ;; Query time: 7 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Mon May 19 21:45:13 2008
    ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 164

    [dusan@mainframe ~]$


    1) Do you honestly think that the ones actually paying out of their pocket to support this web space will want others who aren't to administrate how it will look, run, and progress? If so, please check into a rehab because you've got to be on something.

    2) Just because some one was a past member should not ensure a spot on any thing. This is a new incarnation of Lancer's Reactor and its paths are wide open. Either way, I'm not the one hosting the web site and spending all my free hours dedicated to getting it back up and running, while a-holes from every side toss useless remarks in my direction; so I really don't have a right to choose jack on how the server's administration is handled.

    3) Democracy might work -or almost work- in government, but on a website? Judging from the last month of antics, putting all that into an admin position? three letters: L O L
    Yeah that would be real productive.

    since u posed some questions, i will ignore ur flaming tone, and ill answer so u will see how WRONG ur.

    1) community is not OWNERSHIP it includes ppl and ideas, which should respectivly have its INDEPENDENCE, since it is not clear to u, states, countryes and other forms of REAL LIFE work this way, ie: president of country doesnt 'revoke court senteces' eaven he can do that on needs.

    2) yes becouse someone in past had influence in community he will get 'higher class' and will b taken as equal on starting election pools, lvl3 means exactly that, reason is simple, u cannot put from-time-to-time-visitors in same group with known contributers, (ie u cannot give random user power to decide whos gonna guide project)

    3) this is not democracy concept, since seems unfamilar with democracy, it has one serious FLAW, (flaw is that each vote weights same, no metter if its vote of sheppard or vote of nobel_prize_winner, in democracy it weights same). concept is in 2 layers and i made it clear and u missed point, lvl2 gets elected by majoirty (its democratic concept) BUT lvl2 is not TOP authority, and top authority is lvl1 which is elected by NEGATIVE_loop, (this means this, if anyone from lvl3 thinks that someone shouldNOT b lvl1 that person is discarded, however if NONE thinks that person is unsuitable then theres NO logical explanation why that person shouldNOT be lvl1, making it top authority)

    next time b4 putting LOLs and other smart things first read, then comment, coz its obvious that u havent read it or u havent understood it.

    it would b good to create simple and failsafe structure for future there for i was thinking of general concpet
    power schematics
    [Admin_lvl_1] - voted by [Admin_lvl_3] consensus (WITH unanimous vote by)
    [Admin_lvl_2] - voted by [Admin_lvl_3] structure with majority of votes
    [Admin_lvl_3] - each current serveradmin, community admin, known modder, everyone which in some time was on tlr admin team
    [power_particpant] - active community members which are apointed by Admin_lvl_3 to help others, give advices etc
    [normal_participant] - active community members which participate discussions
    [user] - registrated users in communty which generaly 'dont do much contrubutation, new comes etc.

    higher ranks
    election schematics
    [Admin_lvl_3] - each current serveradmin, community admin, known modder, everyone on tlr admin team
    [Admin_lvl_2] - voted by [Admin_lvl_3] structure with majority of votes
    [Admin_lvl_1] - voted by [Admin_lvl_3] consensus (WITH unanimous vote by)

    power mechanisam:
    [Admin_lvl_3] can impose only short time penalty
    [Admin_lvl_2] can make up to week time penalty
    both [Admin_lvl_2] and [Admin_lvl_3] can propose final ban to [Admin_lvl_1]Council

    lower ranks
    appointed directly from higher rank
    [power_particpant] by above it structure
    [normal_participant] by above it structure

    pwer mechanisam
    [power_participant] muting chats, locking forums, WITHOUT final desidion about it
    [normal_particpant] basicaly honnor title for active particpants to distinct from newcomers/inactives

    explanation of structre rings (high ranks)
    well basicaly for start ppl which had history of doing stuff for FL game, ie server admins, community admins, specialy admins of old tlr,
    general modders, designers, and whos recognized by long time communti members should get admin possition. [Admin_lvl_3]
    all of this ppl mentioned have thair differances which lead to colapse of community and total fireworks everywhere, so there are some of them
    which are more 'popular' honnorable. which would by election (majority) will make [Admin_lvl_2]
    not alot, but also there are ppl which would be NOONE who would say NO to, so those can and will honnorably wave highest rank of TLR,
    for them to be in full powr and that thair wisdom is followed they MUST have YES on ALL from [Admin_lvl_3] and they will have
    TOP power rank [Admin_lvl_1]

    about bans:
    Final BAN can be imposed ONLY if ALL [Admin_lvl_1] say YES, unanimous BAN. (basicaly like death sentence)
    Time limit bans are basicaly meassure to correct behaviour of person....

    well i dont know how clear i was sounding, but imo this is althoritam which will work its fair and its resonable.
    it would b good to hear from others in community about this subject, coz structure which we need must b carefully thoath off.
    pls give some comments and ideas about this subject too.

    its changable u can change it in user settings as well as other options.