Freelancers guild is concept of ever growing universe, we have rebuilded our site and players last 2 monts after server was down for fiew months
You are most welcome to visit us on:
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We are running custom mod which started as small addons to Evolutions 1.29, and after 6 months grown into something which is actually vanila with huge addon, we have rebalanced all guns, equipment,
rewrited back all ship dynamics,
added about fiew dozens of ships, and systems
clanbased structure with clanbases, clanships, clanreputations
also we have rewriten all vanila ships so they are matched to modded ships, they dont fail apart and register correct hitpoints
all fighters are rebalanced to vanila eagle,
any fighter has advantages/disadvantages (ie no uberships), lvl8, lvl9, lvl10, lvl superheavy
rewriten capitalships as well so they dont fail apart no more, and fully rebalanced them, capital ships are uniq on guild
they rly feel like Battleships
rebalanced vanila freighters hump, piratehump, drommy, testudo to assult freighter class, lvl10 guns, lvl9 fighter shields
rewriten transports so they have new clases now
assult freighters (cca 500t) fighter class freighters
light trains (cca 1100t) fragile, but manouvarable transports
medium trains (cca 2000t) fragile, but manouvarable
large trains (up to 5000t) fragile, but maouvrable, not defensless
heavy armored (liners, gasminers, prisons) cca up to 2000t with 300.000 hull and tranpsort guns
miner class, armed with homing missles 4000t 200.000 hull
repless trading, and traderoutes which pay best if u fly all around sirous not just back-forwards
fighers have classes also, they are all depending on ur fight style, lower fighters lvl8, are very agile
but they have lower number of gunmounts and powerplants, less missle slots etc
up to superheavy fighters with 4xlvl9, 4xlvl10, 2xtorp, wasp slots with slow turning rates
special ships, like comet which engine is faster then ingame cruise time
it can catch any other ship ingame eaven within cruise, 1 gun + wasp
repair ships with 20000 hanobots,bats,
heavy loaders, which fly 180 on engine, but have no cruise nor thruster,
and carry cca 2000t
heavy npcs, heavy armed clanbases (carry more power then battleship),
players start with full neutral reputation, they are neutral to all npcs, and only hostile
is nomads
systems are grouped into house order, so theres new houses
romanov, zoners, nomads
best equipment is hidnen only on wrecks it cant be buyed ingame.
arena system, inplanet maze race track, and more surprises
almost all is flyable, from lost ships in vanila up to gasminers, nomad layer, etc
EXTENSIVE ROLE PLAY (read rules they r easy and they require u to fight alot, and DIE alot
Pirate, Hunter, Trader, Mercenary, Smuggler, Assasin, Nomad, and any faction npc are regulated,
bats/bots prohibited when fighting players; F1 to intercept = instant ban!; no dock-kick;
winner is decided on number of deaths of opponent, or by opponent surrendering.
all guns and speeds match vanila
here are some vids from our site,
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good luck and cyas in space.