You know, it would be interesting to try a mod wit out the normal grav and have some stations that do rotate. Like 2001 a space oddessy. That was you would have to use your thrusters to keep from being pulled into a planet or sun. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space...
Posts by Finalday
The raven´s not bad. It kind of reminds me of a small romulan warbird from STNG. Can´t wait for the next upgrade. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space...
The ravens claw rocks. The design makes me think of the warbird from star trek : Nemisis - symatar Good work. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space...
Another ps. The opening warcraft movie is exelent too! Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space...
Quickshot, I got my conformation in about 10 min. Got it down loaded at work (cable modem) and brought home. New planets great. couple bugs, Very heavy fighter requires lev 50 can only get to 40. One station, equip dealer crashed to desk top. Edited the level down to 40 Planets, moons great. Love the spin and the extra moons. The turret gun good. Will a regular gun be in the works? On the whole a very good mod. Thanks. Ps. Site is not bad either....I can live with reg. too. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space... Edited by - Finalday on 1/13/2004 7:38:20 PM
If you decline Juni´s first mission, you will not have a ship to use. But you can extend the game when Juni tells you to "Freelance a bit" to earn a lot of credits working for different factions. With only a few exceptions, you can freelance as long as you want until you meet Juni on a station/planet she tells you to. Once you arive, you have the story line mission to do before you can freelance some more. The mods change things and make the story or open play different and open other possibilities. I like freelanceing with the open mod myself so I can work with the blood dragons. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space... Edited by - Finalday on 1/12/2004 4:23:04 PM
It is a Klingon proverb quoted by Kahn in ST II. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space...
Freelancer II-The DomKavash return... They comback to find out what happened to their nomads they left behind. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space...
Wouldn´t the explosion be the graphical display of the beam hit and is dependent on the target that is hit. That what parts are designed to brake apart when hit? The "Flash" is showing both the hit and that there is damage? Kind of like putting a bottle on a wall and shooting it. The bullet representing the beam in a short duration when it hits, the "Explosion" is the glass pieces flying apart. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space... Edited by - Finalday on 1/11/2004 3:44:35 PM
Got as far this time as buying the ship, but, when I went to see about weapons, it crashed. I have removed engine, scanner ect from the goods part of the xml file. I have had ships in the past not show a engine or power supply in the IONCROSS utility program and it would then give them one. Finalday Voyager is the only one so far that I have had problems with it crashing "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space... Edited by - Finalday on 1/10/2004 4:25:07 PM Edited by - Finalday on 1/12/2004 7:07:30 PM
Blaze´em, Thanks for the input. I am tring to learn more and more. I have downloaded milkshape 3D and I hope to start learning more about it. Thanks again. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space...
Thank you for the information about posting a link. I will use it with any futur links. Thank you. Finalday
What about a Jaguar for a light fighter? A good color scheme that reflects the cats apperance with paws on the wings. A lot of speed too. The Ideas list by others listed with clothing and body changes would make for interesting NPC´s and would make a good addition to the game. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold...and it is very Space...
<A href=´´ Target=_Blank>reckoning</a> This sounds like a very good one. I can´t wait to try it. the above is the link to the download. Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold" Edited by - Finalday on 1/13/2004 8:01:12 PM Edited by - Finalday on 1/13/2004 8:01:56 PM
Thanks for the info and address. Michael Finalday "Revenge is a dish best served cold"
Yea I know I may be new here. I wish I could design mods too. I have only been able to moddify existing ones or origanal ones like the anubus or titen and the weapons, making them more powerful ar longer reaching. I was just hopeing that a moder was thinking about making the galaxy class one. There are some that are very good, both ing program as well as apperance. This has been a bit more fun than Morrowind modding. Finalday