Cheesy way to smuggle

  • Heh, I thought it was just an isolated case when I bypassed it. Though I was pretty near a jump gate.

    ---------------------------------------- No matter how big a problem seems, there would always be hope, as long as someone keeps trying.

  • LoL, reminds me of the time when I played WC<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>rivateer... just jettison the contraband before the cops fininsh talking then tractor it in when you´re cleared.

  • hmm that hasn´t worked for me, they give me like 10 seconds to answer, and if not, they automatically assume that you aren´t dropping. then open fire. of course when that has happened, i was too far from any dock or trade lane <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> so i had to devise a NEW scheme. as soon as you hear the cops/pirates ´start´ talking, hit f7 and jettison your cargo b4 they finish talking. then click ok to drop. they never picked up the cargo, and i re tractored it and took off. des this work in retail? ...Just a random thought from a random mind