Help with .mat file

  • I have the file converted to cmp format and I can see it in hard cmp, I have he DDS file for the skin, but even after importing it with the utf editor, the texture does not show up.
    What am I doing wrong?

  • I'm assuming you've been fiddling around in Milkshape first. Import the model and texture into that first, rename everything, ie textures, group names so they have a custom name, then make a new cmp using the exporter, also make a new mat file from there as well. It should all show up then.

    If you try and add a DDS texture into an old mat file, it's probably configured as a TGA file

    MIP0 = TGA
    MIPS = DDS

    So it won't show up without some major editing. Much easier to do it from Milkshape, least i think so