I need to get o planet Crete!

  • This is the route i´ve found: new Berlin -> Sigma 13 Sigma 13 -> Sigma 17 Sigma 17 -> Omicon Theta Omicon Theta -> Omicon Gamma Planet crete is in Omicon Gamma

  • If you´re already in Tau-23, you can jump to Tau-37, then to Omicron Alpha then to Omicron Theta then finally Omicron Gamma, where Crete is located. Make sure you´re friendly with the Outcasts and Corsairs, also Bounty Hunters wouldn´t hurt either. A ship with strong hull, to avoid radiation damage, is also recommended. To find the locations of the jump holes, select "Patrol Paths" on your map and look for convergence points. I can tell you that the jumphole to Tau-37 (from what I remember) is located somewhere directly above the star in Tau-23 on the map, as far as I can remember.