Yeah that´s about it.... just take a break from it if you´re getting frustrated... go back and try again a little later, you´ll get it eventually. You sound like you´re doing everything right, just missing that one hoop...after that one there may be one or two more like that but don´t worry, you´ll get there...
Call me stupid, level 6
many thanks!!
the moment you go through a hoop, immediately start turning towards your next way point, that should help you get through the sharp turn
Let me guess, you are trying to do it in a freighter class vessel? Yes? maybe that bretonian one with the bubble cockpit? Well, I too found this race difficult on the first attempt, and wondered if you had to have a fighter to win. You DON´T. All you need to do is stay with the guy until he makes his rigged screw-up near the end, then you can overtake him. The tricky bit is making sure that you dont clip the edge of one of the last rings, because if you do you´ll spin off into space and he will overtake you again and you´;ll lose. So, just make sure you´re lined up nicely near the end - it can be achieved in any vessel, even a freighter (I did it in the Bretonian freighter), and you will win pretty easy. Good luck!
I wonder if anyone´s done it in a humpback <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>