Jump hole from Texas to California & more

  • The jump hole to California is in the West Dallas Debris field around sector C4. The debris field is between the Pequena and Grande Negra gray dust clouds you see in Texas. TAB is for afterburners. They make you go about 2.5 times faster than normal engines, but they run out after a while and have to recharge. Buying better Thrusters increases the time they can stay on. They´re very useful in firefights, with AI as well as other players. X backs you up, but the speed is so slow that in my opinion it´s not really worth it. Another thing you could try is Z. This cuts off your engines completely and leaves you adrift - you can then turn your ship around and start shooting at the ships following you, while still retaining a forward motion. Works well against AI ships, not too well against other players. Edited by - RunOrDie on 28-03-2003 21:57:27

  • thanks guys. another one I forgot to ask about - what´s with the radiation in texas? I started to head towards that planet, and then found that I was getting radiation damage. does that just damage the ship until it blows up, or is there more to it? Thanks! I am sooo addicted to this game right now. And the good weather just started here in sunny CA.

  • I have the answer to all your navigational woes... Check out the Lancer Navigator http://reflex95.hihome.com/ It has a map of every jump gate and hole, and most of what can be found in every system... It has become the choice site to have sitting in the right seat... (thats where the navigator sits....) -Dark Star <img src=´http://www.thathostingplace.co…loat/images/smalllogo.jpg ´>

    -Dark Star [img=http://www.thathostingplace.com/thinfloat/images/smalllogo.jpg]