Self Inflicted Death´s

  • Fired a torpedo on accident, boosted forward and got blown up by it is pretty bad, also catching one of your mines and having it blow off your wing holding your expensive missile launcher.

  • I think somebody mentioned that if your wings got shot off and you lost your guns with them, you´d get them back after you died and respawned? Is that true, and if so, how´s that work? <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I haven´t exactly been willing to test it out <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • First off... Space Rogue....Cool game...I still have my copy for PC.... Anyway... The AI DOES have some bugs, and the rumor I have heard is that DA/M$ are working on AI updates as well as the server update. I find it amusing when I join a formation, and the AI just shuts off. Was following my friend, and he took us between binary stars...he was in the safe channel...and I was not. I couldn´t get out of there before I blew up... Another time, he was in formation with me, and I was going around a planet. The AI moved my ship to avoid the planet....However, I rammed him, and it bounced him off the planet...Blowing him up. -Arg <img src=´ ´> <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Something Awful</a>

  • I set a go to to fly to a jump hole. Way away from any planets but completely missed the very hostile enemy base that was right on my flight path. Looked up from getting a drink in the kitchen just in time to watch my ship catch fire. Got back to the computer just in time to watch it go boom. Didn´t spill any soda though. &quot;I do so relish these times of peril&quot;

  • I got trapped in the dock of a hostile base when it opened to let an enemy out. I couldn´t get out so I just activated my cruise engines inside and battered my ship to pieces on the walls.

  • I decided to land on a planet......without a docking ring. Hey how come the ships in the intro didn´t need a docking ring? Oh well. One time I decided to get a better look at the sun in one of the unknown systems, the pink one. And how is it that some people seem to constantly slam into things with auto pilot on? I have never done that without trying to. Why didn´t I register the day after?

  • My ship´s AI usualy works fine (i use Norton anti-virus 3040 to keep my computer 31-century-virus free) although there was one time when I was in Omega-11, and I set my coordinates to the omicron gamma system. My ship headed toward it, avoiding the highly radioactive area around the sun. But then it reached the planet (the one that that Daumann base is next to; forgot it´s name) and my computer got very confused; it wanted to take the shortest path possible, while staying out of the radioactive zone, but also without crashing into the planet. It SHOULD have just gone around the planet, but instead it tried to squeeze between the planet and the edge of the radioactive zone. I saw that it was getting close to the planet, but had learned to trust my nav system. Big mistake; it seemed to have a system overload and rammed into the planet... <img src=´ ´> -From the gates of Heaven to the depths of Hell; one, the Protecter; sees all, knows all, defends the innocent. Edited by - maswastage/BG on 05-04-2003 05:24:09

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  • I´ve never had any serious problems with the AI... Never flown into a corona or an atmosphere, but I have had some problems docking at a few bases; Ship takes unnecessarily large and slow turns to get to the docking bay.

  • I have had AI problems. For example I´m doing Cardimine&gt;Mahattan smuggling run and I finally get to Manhattan, I sit back and press the dock button with a smirk on my face that I just tricked all the cops. Then I get the usual radio chat, cleared do dock etc., BUT the cut-scene does activate! To late I reliaze that the AI has sent me on a crash course to Manhattan! BOOM! &quot;Congrats, you have died and lost 25k!&quot; &quot;what do you wish too do?&quot; *click* bang head against wall.

  • AGREE!!!! AI is whacked!!! ... it doesnt happend often .. but when it does .. its real pain in the ass! ive gotten so paranoid that i never let the damn thing autopilot me to a planet´s docking ring if its on the other side! neither do i let it autopilot me to a waypoint that is on the other side of a star .... just dont trust it anymore after 2 incidents .... 1) docking - im being shot at by hordes of enemies, and the damn AI just floats along at 80 to the docking ring/jump gate/tradelane when its still 1K away! irritating!!! now i always thrust towards the ring/lane/gate until im 0m, before i hit the dock ... 2) autopilot and formation! - like argonus, i had a friend form on me while i used &quot;GO TO&quot; on a dock ring .. we were coming from behind the planet .. and the planet´s moon was in the way ... i thought, the AI will steer me clear ... so i waited ... ..1000m ....800m .......600m ..........400m OH ****!! it aint MOVING!!! grabbed the mouse and mouse flighted my ass outta there .... BOOM! ... friend dies .... the AI reaction for the form was so damn delayed that it sent him straight into the planet ... just imagine what it looks like to a 3rd party observer.... its like i towed him toward the moon on an invisible cable and at the last second turned away and cut the cable ... boom .... the worst part was that he realised we were getting to close for comfort he tried to mouse flight too .. but guess what .. when you are in formation, NO MOVEMENT/AI keys WORK! ... not until u cancel formation by pressing esc! gee .. talk about learning that the hard way .... even now, im still caught off guard when im formed on my friend´s! ....u would think formation would be like &quot;GO TO&quot; or &quot;DOCK&quot;, where any other command automatically overrides it! ....

  • I´ve had the AP bounce me off stations, smack me into trains, and roast me like a marshmallow in Manhatten´s atmosphere. I´ve learned not to trust the AP. It´s evil. Thank you, Raptor013

  • hey! is there a way to subscribe to a thread?!!??! its a bit tiresome having to check the threads im interested in for new posts again and again!

  • Did u ever notice that if your flying winged in a astroid field your ship avoids the astroids but your wing gets bounced off astroids and shattered into the 4 winds trying to follow you ? Also one time i was hanging in q just passed a docking ring and the ship desided to make a turn into the atmosphere instead away from it to get towards the docking ring and i lost all my cargo of boron ,been doing missions for over a hour to get the money to do my first haul and boom all gone Had to do missions again and ofcourse that made me just get onto bad foot with a bunch of pirates who jump me at every spot they can find to hassle me now , differend pirate groups even team up on me when i pass with my turtle like humpback Still its fun to beat them off like flies