show me your desktop

  • I was wondering about the personalities of our great community characters.

    :arrow: music friendly encourage. looping, turn it off when you're done [music]|loop=yes|24|290|autostart=no[/music]

    Show me a picture of your desktop here in the forums.
    You can send me pictures of your girlfriend by email :o
    Form your own opinion of someone just by seeing what they don't mind looking at all the time, although if you're like me you change the background quite often.

    Oh and if you have no clue as to how to get a screenshot of your desktop, use the Prt Scr key on your keyboard.
    The Prt Scr or SysRq key is a throwback from the old dos days. It use to send the print screen command to the printer, these days it sends it to the clipboard.

    There really is a use for that Prt Scrn key in the upper right corner of your keyboard.
    You know, the key you push and nothing seems to happen. Well something is happening. Each time you press that key, it captures the screen that is on your desktop and puts it on your clipboard. You can then edit and minipulate that image to suit your needs. This is a great technique to use when trying to get a photo or graphic from a website.

    Working With Captured Screenshots
    Now that you have pressed the notorious Prt Scrn key, open the free Paint program located in the Accessories section of your Start menu. Go to Edit and select Paste. You will notice that the screenshot you took is now pasted into the Paint application. You can now crop out the area you want by selecting the dashed-box tool in the menu. Highlight the area you want, then go to Edit and Cut. You can now go to the menu and select New. It will ask if you want to save the original. Just say no and a blank workspace will appear again. Go back to Edit and Paste again. Now, only the cropped area appears. You can save this as a jpeg file, or whatever format you need.

    My favorite way to capture screenshots is to use the free program IrfanView
    It has a built in Capture/Screenshot under the Options in the menu bar - or minimize the program and press C.
    Or you can do it this way.
    Press the Prt Scr key and then start IrfanView.
    Press the Ctlr key and the v key at the same time, that will paste (put or insert) what's on your screen and just like magic it will appear. Now click on image in the menu bar and you can adjust it any way you want, resize, sharpen, flip, rotate, and a bunch of other things.
    Then save it and put it on an image hosting site like
    Image Shack
    And then put it here so we can see it.

    * Or you can have Lancers Reactor host your picture, this is the finalday method.
    This works when you're posting a new topic or adding a reply to a post.
    Right under where it says, Upload attachment, click on browse, that will bring up a small file upload screen, find your picture file on your computer and click on it, now click on open in the file upload screen, that will upload your picture to the Lancers Reactor server, now go back to your post and click on, add the file.
    Don't click on Place inline - that will attach your picture or file to your post.
    Now your picture will show up in your post, it will be on Lancers Reactor server.

    We could swap some cool backgrounds this way...

    Here's my current desktop. As you can see I like to have a weather report handy and monitor processor and memory usage, I don't think much of Icons though.

  • My Mac top :D

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • rb thats low ,but i know what you mean,i just don't keep any pics of my x's they all caught fire accidentaly
    Fraid i can't show desktop 2 an 4 hehehe :twisted:

    And i like deep space and simple ,but have a lot of pic,s for desktops,just can't show some of them,don't want to get banned,even though there clean just to suggestive and my lady ....well you know hehehe

    [center]desk top 1 an 3[/center]

  • desktop 1 (Farramir)

    desktop 2 (Borromir)

    desktop 3 (Celebrimbor)

    the third is my personal favourite - 20 years on and I still don't like gui's.

    dead boring me.

    I like to keep it nice and simple so apps I use a lot (Nero, SQL, Truecrypt) I keep in the launcher, the tiny handful of games that I play I keep on the desktop, and everything else as shortcuts in folders. I like to see what resources I'm using so I keep the cpu/ram monitor and disk usage gadgets on the desktop too. And even this feels too busy for me, I don't think that you actually need more than five or six icons on the desktop.

    It looks like Vista but it isn't. Personally I much prefer the KDE on my Debian laptop than any Windows desktop but these are the machines I play games on and the ones that get used the most outside of work.

    Sometimes I put RAF planes from the 50s and 60s on, other times Royal Navy warships. I like these dark digital themes though. Bright colours give me a headache.

  • Show off :mrgreen:

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • From what it look like you run Vista so check out the 360 desktop at and you should have something similar.

    Not sure what Azza is using...

    and as for mr sabatino aka snake, did you have any children, I'm getting a vision that's kind of scarey :D

  • well i know there's 360 for windows and can't remmeber exackly,but a program for linux,i'll have to look in my libary of software or maybe on one of the slaves to see Hmmm now were did i see that..................

    well taw ol fella with all your expertise you could probaly just peck out a few keys and whamo there it'd be right ;)

    Quote from "bakedpotato"

    Taw, from what I see you run Vista so check out the 360 desktop at and you should have something similar.

    works in x64 proffensional,and xp to had it for a while,really like the one for linux as you could flip it and rotate it around put several desk tops on it can't remmeber what it was called,must be that space dust again,darn it baked tater could you stop blowing that dust around :lol:

  • Quote from "Tawakalna"

    don't use Vista at all, it's XP Pro w.SP3 + Stardock + IconPackager etc and just looks like Vista.

    very swauve 8-)

  • He doesn't want to use vista, just look like it :P where's the logic in that. He's clearly been in the sand too long :D

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • Quote from "Finalday"

    He doesn't want to use vista, just look like it :P where's the logic in that. He's clearly been in the sand too long :D

    yea i heard that the sand fleas can adle the brains,they turn plain ordinary people into corparate coders that work like nuts dureing march thru june, luckly it only a seasonal desease, the rest of his time is spent on forums and taking space walks in his new space suit and looking for green comets:lol:

  • I have two words for the pair of you and I think that you can guess what they are :)

    I like the look of Vista, I just don't like its sluggishness and resource hogging. so I made XP, which runs very well, look just like it because I never did like the tellytubby happy-clappy primary colours of XP - at least I don't make everything look like W2K anymore.

  • Quote from "Tawakalna"

    I have two words for the pair of you and I think that you can guess what they are :)

    I like the look of Vista, I just don't like its sluggishness and resource hogging. so I made XP, which runs very well, look just like it because I never did like the tellytubby happy-clappy primary colours of XP - at least I don't make everything look like W2K anymore.

    Brevo ol chap you pinned it :lol:

    and you watch the tella tubbys :shock: see i told you those sand fleas adle the brains :lol:

  • Quote from "rsabatino20"

    heres a pic of my ex wife and her family. no they are not on my desk top

    this is on my desk top at the moment its from nasa

    well why don't you all put in a recycle center like we did it's a whole lot better then the old way

  • and just what exactly is wrong with Tellytubbies? we used to go and sit in the server room for 1/2hr and turn the phones off when Tellytubbies was on. We used to have wagers on which Tellytubbies stomach would tune into the telly signal.