24/7 Seattle Based

  • So if I use the GUI to delete a character it can take me upwards of 15 minutes to locate one name to delete If I use some other tools I have to delete a character, it can still take 5 - 10 minutes to locate the character to delete If I use my telnet client and character name to ban, it take 10 seconds. Once they add a delete option for the telnet client, I will use that instead Visit my server 24/7 Seattle Based

  • I will probably be uping the character limit tonight to 100 players as part of my new connection coming online. I do not have plans for a server wipe until I impliment my mod that is in development. Then I will server wipe. That is at least 2 - 4 weeks out. So don´t fret. I hope to have the first beta server up this weekend for some chosen few. (mostly real life friends) to test out. As the mod is built I will be updating that and sending them new builds directly. This will most definatlely take a while. But the changes I am making should please most players. It will greatly enhance the game for high level players, giving them more to do and new things to do. It will also extend the life of your characters as it will take a lot longer to progress in the game. This is to allow time for guilds/factions/kingdoms to band together and wage "wars" ect... Also by having slower progression, I will be able to locate cheaters that much easier. Now if you jump 10 ranks in one night, something is very suspicious Visit my server 24/7 Seattle Based

  • those modifications sound great genedefect! this game seriously needs to be toned down in advancement. too bad though that changes just can´t be made on the server, and then when a player connects those new rules (the mod) gets downloaded and take into effect right away.

  • wait, i have made a crap load of progress on the server and u have plans to wipe it? why should anyone bother staying then? lol. oh, and i gained a crap load of lvls earlier, someone blew up heavy cargo ships next to the manhatten dock rings - loot, land, sell, repeat. made a good 170k this way in 5 min. Edited by - Cr0no on 19-04-2003 01:59:05

  • For the past 15 min, I have been unable to join the server. I have been on it much of the day and it is usually very populated with players, but now I am unable to join and the player count is ultra low... edit - ditto to the ping comment, i am getting nothing. odd, player count is showing 3-7 players still... *_* Edited by - Cr0no on 19-04-2003 02:43:03

  • same for me. Unable to connect. I was connected alll day, and 1hour ago, located in Hokkaido, it laged so much hat I couldn´t even dock or use a jump all anymore. I thought it was my connection, but it must be a server pb.

  • the consol said "Server will be down from about 30 minutes".... its been an hour and its still down.... is it me or it is really down? my time now is 8:45 PCT

  • Hello i play on your server its enjoyable until a little chit called "13" comes in a starflyer with uber missles in mahatten space! hes a cheater pkilled alot of ppl also if before you up the player limit can you make sure its stable really annoying that i click to dock and get stuck docking , but good server man know its hard to keep a stable server so keep up the good job

    We Die So You Dont have To [img=http://www.rezza.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/RES2.jpg/img] Valkryie the offical ship of RES

  • The multiplayer .ini file exists on the server only. There´s nothing I can do that will allow me to join your server as long as my only account is banned. Maybe if I had 2 characters it would let me in, but with only one I get the "banned" message before I even get a chance to choose (or create) a character. Edit: I could re-install FL and probably get a new ID code that way. Maybe. Would also stop me from using any of my other accounts on other servers though. Edit2: I have lv. 20+ chars on about 8 diff. servers, and I play them depending on lag/lost packets. I´m on dialup, so performance varies. I´m not ABOUT to erase all those hours of work just so I can play on one server. Sorry but no. : ) Please find a way that banned names do not equal banned players. I´m fairly sure the tool you use to ban bans by the unique ID, rather than banning one named player of an account (ID). That´s the only theory that matches, really. Edited by - Hellif on 19-04-2003 18:35:18

  • Yeah , I *know* But this looks like the best server going so I fink I will have to do that. But I´m not staring a character when a wipe is coming in 2-3 weeks anyway , I´ll start after the wipe <-- Insert Big F off picture here-->

  • still no 24/7 Seattle and it´s around 10:00 PST. I had the same modem problem two times now. Shipping departments at some ISPs must be filled with mindless idiots! Damn them!Where´s 24/7 Seattle!! <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Well, I just got my connection online Running some speed tests vs. it So far Prior connection 1350 down / 335 up New connection 671 down / 759 up Based on some calculations, I should be able to run 113 players or more. Going to start at 100 though. Server should be online any minute now Visit my server 24/7 Seattle Based