Storyline orientations

  • I'm assuming you mean the coordinates used in the system ini to position and orientate the various objects?

    pos = 22000, 0, -10000 is X, Z, Y

    Looking at the in game nav map +ve X is from the centre of the map to the right and -ve X is to the left, stangely +ve Y is down the map from the centre and -ve Y is up, +ve Z is out of the map and -ve Z is into the map.

    Angular orientation follows the X, Z, Y format and is based on 0 degrees being north, angle is measured anticlockwise so west would be +ve 90 degrees and so on, I recommend sticking with +ve angle measurements consistently to minimise confusion.


  • Rotate tutorial by rasauul

    "Rotate" is made up of 3 values x, y, z and decides what way ur object/solar is facing

    X = this is the vertical axis,
    for example 90,y,z turns a docking ring so u dock with it from below
    ,docking from above demands a value of -90,y,z

    Y = this is the axis where u turn object right(if positive value) and left(if negative value)
    for example x, 90, z turns the object 90*(degrees) to the right

    Z = this is the "other" vertical axis, works like the ones above,
    for example: picture a docking ring a Z-value of zero ="00"
    (normal docking ring setting, looks like two zeros next to eachother)
    for example: picture a docking ring a Z-value of zero ="8"
    (the docking ring is turned 90 degrees and now looks like the figure 8)

    Placing objects in 3dimensional space tutorial by rasauul

    You will be modding this line: Pos = x, y, z
    in fx.
    Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\"mod name"\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\KU01(or other system)\KU01.ini

    as usual we have our 3 axis' x, y, z

    X = to the RIGHT (as seen on Nav Map, if positive value)
    to the LEFT (as seen on Nav Map, if negative value)

    Y = UP (positive value) DOWN (negative value)
    Moving an object on this axis wont show on your Nav Map, cause the nav map is 2 dimensional.
    this is the least used axis in this game,
    allmost all object in the original game has this value at zero.
    This is a great axis for moving enlarged planets.

    Z = DOWN (as seen on Nav Map, if positive value)
    UP (as seen on Nav Map, if negative value)