´Nother Level 7 question

  • why so obseesed with lvl 7? If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that my idea of building a giant robotic parrot out of melted down coins was a bad idea, I would have one kick a$$ giant robotic parrot.

    If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that my idea for melting down coins to make a giant robotic parrot was a bad idea, I would have one kicka$$ giant robotic parrot.

  • I didn´t spend too much time with class seven weapons (I jumped right to class nine, and then 10 weaps) but i believe the Steathblade II was a good one. My advice: forget c7 and go to c10. ---------------------------------------- <img src=´http://arhnet.4t.com/freelancerpic1.JPG ´> -From the gates of Heaven to the depths of Hell; one, the Protecter; sees all, knows all, defends the innocent.

    --------------------------------------------------------------------- [img=http://arhnet.4t.com/freelancerpic4.JPG]

  • I´ve already had a Sabre and an Eagle on the Elite server, Nomad Weapons, wildfires, blablabla. I´m sick of having the exact same ship as everyoen else (Eagle). And the reason I´m asking about level 7 is because that´s the highest the Banshee can mount.