Planet of the apes

  • Umm... You have been to the planet in the game populated by monkeys right? If not, go to a corsair system and explore completely. One of them will take you there. The spoiler form can tell you exactly which one to look in. Ceylon

  • No, I haven´t been there... I didn´t even know there was such a planet... Thx for the info, Ceylon.

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  • No problem. Don´t get your hopes up. It´s kind of a boring system, but it does look cool. Do have lots of shield batteries before you try going there, cuz you can´t stock up in that system. Ceylon

  • it isnt a boring system at all, you can go destroy nomads there and take there weapons, they use no energy and have higher refires Blaster hull damage ~600 sheild ~400 (not sure on this one) range and speed = 600 refire 4.00 cannon hulldamage ~830 sheild ~500 (again not sure) rage and speed = 600 refire =3.03 they are really great guns, i liek to use 2 of them in conjunction with 2 wild fires (hul Dmg. =1075 sheild= around 800 range energy=220)

  • Has anyone found anything other than nomad ships in the outcast graveyard jumphole? I´ve looked through the system and i can´t find anything in it aside from them.

  • Yeah, I know you can get the nomad blasters and such, but otherwise it´s pretty boring. I personally feel that those weapons are game unbalancing. In my mod they are being removed and replaced with similar weapons that do MUCH less damage. Ceylon