Maybe it is Impossible, But maybe it is good idea <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • BWAH! No, not a good idea. Remember that FL doesn´t look at your level (hence 1 level 2 Junker trys to rob me of my 1 piece of scrap metal whilst I´m flying my Sabre with 4 Nomad cannons) so the randomization would affect everyone. How´d you like it if the jumpgate to Texas from New York dumped you in Omega 41? (This site is best viewed with your eyes open)

  • I agree with the above comments as far as jump gates are concerned. It would be interesting for jump holes, at least those that offer alternative routes to systems that can be reached by jumpgates too. If a system can only be reached by jump holes, then they should work as they do now. But the other jump holes could be viewed as unstable. Ideally, one of these jumpholes would not throw you into a system at random, but alternate which system it connects too every hour or so and notify which system it is connecting to via the nav map. &quot;Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb&quot;

  • I didn´t mean random system in the galaxy but within a colony. The problem I have in hand now is, if the ini is changed, the FL has to restart to read the new routes. I am very suck at memery hacking so I just post this idea and see if it is possible for some1 is more advanced in hacking to do the job <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Peace doesn´t exist between the livings, but the dead.