Freelancer crashes every time I modify it

  • I have a problem, I'm not running a server, but I like to modify the story, by changing the ships at the merchants and weapons and so forth..but when I do so..I get to the Front screen, where you can pick new game and such.. and the game crashes...any idea how to fix this so I can play the story?
    I am Using Vista, on a laptop. I really Need help here...I love this game..

  • Someone please tell me what the use is, of me asking a question..and noone answering..I mean I know I am new to your community.. but seriously.. I would atleast like to have some sort of response.

  • I have noticed when I modify a saved game file my Freelancer tends to crash too.

    I think it has something to do with a disparity between your pilot's skill level (1 to level 22) and the single player settings that monitor your progress. These crashes might be an anti-cheating feature.

    Try modding your game after you've finished it.