Some Noobs: ARGH!!!

  • its the dilithium crystals cap´n - they canna take the strain!!! ** please insert spock for service**... **internal spock error- rebooting james t. kirk**... ** ( L ) user error detected - please reboot english module for coherence**... ** ship possibly infected with pink spotty virus - look its all icky!!**... practicallities jean luke - remember god is in the details. ** starting virus scanner to remove god**.. please reboot universe. dr del the police are watching you - act normal

    so you want to DELiver the files to the back up server so........

  • I speak for the N00bs... because i am one. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I have been modding for about 2-3 weeks now.... 2 questions i have asked. 1 was a program i couldnt find and 2 was what i thought was a bug. Why only 2....i have had 100s of questions.... how did i find the answers? Other n00bs listen up... finding the answers on your own and solving the problems on your own will get you alot farther than having someone else do it. While we are on the subject. I want to thank all the people who have written tutorals and posted help topics....or i would be asking lots and lots of questions. Thanks again, Scott Anderson

  • I don´t think answering questions is a problem, I like answering them <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> In fact I really like to answer them with as much detail as they are asked with, so for, &quot;my ship doesn´t work&quot; my reply would have been, &quot;that sucks, mine works fine.&quot; It´s like dealing with telemarketing phone calls, it´s only annoying until you start having fun with it <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &quot;Is Mr. Smith there?&quot; &quot;No, this is the Click residence, I´ll put Mr. Click on the phone now.&quot; *click* Yeah, I´m a smart*ss, but it´s better than being a dumb*ss.

  • I really hate to say this, having been an electronics instructor a long time back), but some of the things posted here as well as the other editing forums smack of be dumb and stupid. And the bad thing is some of the posters ARE NOT NOOBIs. I have noticed a couple of people who carry &quot;Captain&quot; or higher have never gone above four or five words in any of their posts that I have read. Then there was the &quot;Captain&quot; who posted the question &quot;Why isn´t my 2d editor working?&quot; in this forum. If he d/l´ed the file, I know where he got it. In that forum there is a long running thread that contains the URL of the author, who has a forum for the editor running on his web page. The question I this &quot;Captain&quot; that dense? The Fangman

  • AND another thing that really gets to me... The &quot;short hand&quot; some people use in their posts 4 u ppl 2 this forum. When asked why he couldn´t post in plain english (nothing against the French, German, Dutch, or any other nationality that post here), one bright(?) user explained; &quot;It´s a quicker way of typing a message, saves time and money.&quot; Appearently this bright(?) person doesn´t reason that anybody trying to read his post wastes a whole bunch of time trying to figure out what he´s talking about. Time and money? That´s a bunch of cr*p. I don´t know of ISP that charges internet usage by the minute anymore. The Fangman

  • JENS internet service providers to military bases in japan still charge by the minute. Dailup is $30 for the first 90 hours, then .03/minute. Trust me it adds up fast, so dont knock it. on the other hand, DSL is $60/month unlimited....... doesnt seem right does it? Arcath

  • I stand corrected! But, still, these are isolated instantances compared to the number of services that charge a flat rate for unlimited time. The Fangman

  • Hello. Detail is all most people ask for and the people responding what nothing less than that them selves so they can help. I dont mind stupid questions if the detail provided holds a clue to what the person wants to know. We all know Noobs dont always know how to explain a problem but there are limits. The way i see it is this. Effort + Research = Good questions and provides good answers. Bone idle questions = no research, no effort, total waste of time. However, a thought struck me recently when dealing with 1 guy. Suppose he is not an English speaker and is struggling to read the tutorials ? So now i ask what country the guys from so i can better understand his problem. Still, you have to admit, if anybody did give a full and detailed reply to a question like that, it might as well be in french because they wont understand a word of it without doing the research first. Giskard Edited by - giskard on 27-06-2003 18:30:02