Freelancer Rebalance 3.20 debate, bug reports and comments

  • Glad to hear that Thurmond. I tried X2 too and like it quite a bit but the fighting AI sucks. they just ram you when you hit´em and that makes you loose very expensive equipment or weapons. FL is waaay ahead in combat AI. X2 is very good in trading areas, dynamic economy, dynamic upgrades of cargo, ship speed and the posibility to build ans own bases... V 3.3 of the mod will be probably out soon on LR since I already send it to baked.

  • It is great mod!It was a good idea to allow capital ships in the game... But i have some troubles with them... Why capships can only install figter shields? Even if i install 3 10-class shields on Ballistner, it will take only few seconds, before they are gone... Maybe shield class for cap-ships will be a good idea? Caps cannot dodge enemy fire... Their only chance of survival is they thick armor and shields... And if i have to pay about 0.5 M in cash for repairs... you know... this is very bad mission end... <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I know, that Ballistner can make enemy ships just dissapear in few seconds, but for Ballistner´s armor that few seconds mean a lot of damage... Sorry for my terrible english... And once again thanks for awesome mod! <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • And another thing... I was testing Voyager ship from Star Trek <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>... And i think something is wrong... Federation Phasers are awesome weapon - good range and reload time - but when you shoot at enemy for a few seconds, it stps... energy is still at high level, but you must hit fire button again, if you want to keep fireing... What is wrong? Did anyone else met this problem? And another thing - weapons with so high range - i have now 4 damocles beam turrets - and i take off capital ships before they can even return fire... They dont try to retaliate, they dont try to lower distance and open fire at me... They just die in silence... If fighters cover try to attack me, they are also destroyed before i enter their fire range... So big weapons range differences can change the outcome of fight... If the capital ships try to engage me, this would be much more &quot;realistic&quot;.... But they only stay still... Maybe something should be done with this?...

  • v3.30 it´s already uploaded to LR but baked said the FTP won´t accept files that large so bargib got to fix that. so it´ll probably take a while till it´s posted. let´s hope not too much...

  • huh, its getting bigger? maybe make an &quot;.ini only&quot; version? erm not completly ini only, as there are a few new ships, but the old ones take up lots of space. DLing 50+megs take a few hours for some ppl (incl me<img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) And think TLR is already having some bandwith problems (at least i cant always reach the site at first try) anyway, look forward to see it.<img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> edit: just saw the announcement on the starting page. (this forum is bookmarked, not the front page<img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) Edited by - lukr on 2/12/2004 7:06:25 PM

  • MD, were you able to fix the nomad encounter CTD in EFA system? haven´t seen mention of that yet...Keep up the great work, btw...very fun mod, one of my favorites! Baene

  • Ive got some question about this mod. -first i start a new game. You get very lil money. Normally you need to buy a new ship after your first or second mission. Iam not sure what to do here. Ship prices are way high and I dont know what weapons I should get. I cant beat the second story mission and thats strange. -Also is anyone here a Cowboy Bebop fan? I know I am. Anyway I would like to know if you can get the Bebop, Triden(or what ever its called Spike´s ship), Pink Fin(Iam not sure of the name one this one ethier but its Fayes ship), or Hammerhead? If so where can I get em? If not will a update include them?

  • Everybody please wait for the server admin to update their RB version to 3.30. If you´ll try to connect with RB 3.30 to an older 3.20 server you WILL crash. jon2345, you´ll get about 30 k if you sell the salvage from mission 01b(destroy Rogue Base). The deep scanners are worth 12 k each and you sould get 2 or 3 of them. Buy a Patriot or do some missions and buy Cylon HF or a Z-95 Headhunter. The Cylon has the Guardian HF shield that you will not be able to get anywhere else in New York, and this will guarantee you´ll be able to whitstand the Liberty Rogues fire[power in mission 2. Also don;t forget to buy a MKI shield capacitor and a Fusion injector mkI. The capacitor will add 750 strength to your shield and the fusion injector will make the weapons energy to recharge faster. Or you can get a shield powercell instead of the fusion injector and make your shields recharge faster. As weapons, get a pair of Scorpions by killing Xenos and 2 Barragers from the junkers(by either killing them or getting to Rochester Base beyond planet Mahanttan - you´ll have to look for it though). Also get a Stunpulse turret pr 2 if you have the Cylon HF, and 2 cluster JAvelin missile launchers. This is my recomended ship setup for the mission 2. BTW rebalance 3.30 is out and i set up a new thread for it. Just go to the FL mod announcement forum and pick the &quot;Freelancer RB 3.30 comments, bug reports and tips thread&quot;. see ya all there.

  • Heh... wow... um... err... K, bug report for 3.4b1, tho maybe premature/redundant... 1. When selecting some targets, such as tradelanes or even dropped loot, game crashes... 2. In the Iowa systems, same thing as above, but add in incorrect area names. i.e. when exiting tradelane from Greenfield to Des Moines, the area message said &quot;Texas, Iowa System&quot; where it should say &quot;Des Moines, Iowa System&quot; [At either end of the tradelane is an entry that lets you set entry and exit locations, it´s not ids_name or ids_info, maybe tradelane_name. Can set that to make the tradelanes &quot;switch&quot; the name when passing it by. 3. Some ships have wrong info on info cards, forget which, so this one not much help... Anyways, there ya go, remember to check email ;o)