• Friestadt, Omega-7. It an IMG base with a heavy Bounty Hunter presence. If you want to look the part, go with Bounty hunter guns (Reaver MkII or Buckshot) from Deshima in Shikoku. Personally, I´d be tempted by:- 2 Tizona del Cid 2 Salamanca Mk II 2 Salamanca Mk I Salamanca Turret You can get these in Omicron Gamma. Edited by - cupidstunt on 3/8/2004 4:33:57 PM

  • To my recollection, the Hammerhead, as said above, is only avaliable through Friestadt Base in Omega-7, from our friends the IMG. Statistically it´s not the best avaliable, but it´s slim profile and high manoeuvrability, combined with the lower price than your class-10 V. heavy fighters, makes it a good bet. You´ll rarely find me out of it -- Bounty Hunter technology at its finest. Set-up for any self-respecting Bounty Hunter would be four Reaver Mk2s, two Reaver Mk1s, a Buckshot Turret and a Hornet CD. Some Bounty Hunters choose other weapons from our extensive stock of laser and particle weaponry, but the above choice has been tried and tested in the field by yours truly -- the combination of Reaver Mk2s and Mk1s allows you to switch between insta-damage dog-fighting, or less energy-intensive dog-fighting, while the Buckshot turret is best saved for those occasions where you need all the ´umph´ you can get, i.e. overwhelming odds. I usually use just two of the Reaver Mk2s and both Mk1s, for a good mid-point between damage and power drain. The rest are there for backup should you need them, that way. If you´re one of the folks enjoying the benefits of Bounty Hunter ships outside of our organisation, however, you can install any weapon you would usually install. The Hammerhead, although a worthy opponent of a Titan or Saber, is only a Class 9 V. heavy fighter, however, so you´re limited to class 9 weapons. Which isn´t really a problem -- it just means they have access to slightly less energy in total, and can´t accept Nomad/prototype weapons. That said, although the recommended weapon class is 7, you can easily get away with 8s and 9s without compromising your durability in battle too much. "If it aint on fire, you haven´t shot it up bad enough yet" - my old teacher on Planet Housten. Edited by - Bounty_Hunter_Jackson on 3/8/2004 4:29:54 PM

    `I wish I could flyyyy... hey look, I can[!] Woo hoo for Freelancer[!]`

  • I tend to use Skyblast B´s and a pair of Adv Debilitators if I fly the Hammerhead. This combination deals out the highest damage per second not to mention a high rate of fire and 750m/s projectile speed.

    A propeller is just a big fan designed to keep the pilot cool. Want prove? Stop the prop and watch the pilot break out in sweat!

  • I am looking for: 2 good shield busters for it 2 great hull damage weps 1 great hull damage turret 2 hull damage missile launchers a great cruise disruptor and a great shield (can you please also list the station names and system names? I would really appreciate it.) Please correct me if I´m wrong. Edited by - Lancer Pilot on 3/8/2004 5:35:02 PM

    Please correct me if I`m wrong. ~~~{Corsairs}Commander Gsk~~~

  • Well, the shield depends on what you´re going up against. I personally carry a different type of class 9 shield with me, and switch depending on whose territory I´m in. Shield busters, the Corsair Tizona del Cid EMP weapon is about the most powerful, and it´s class 9 so it´ll fit the Hammerhead. I´m not sure where to get it, but the Corsair homeworld -- Planet Crete, Omicron Alpha -- seems your best bet. Hull damage weapons... Wyrm 2, an Outcast weapon. Planet Malta would be your best bet for that, in Omicron Alpha. That´s a tachyon weapon, so to even things out in terms of penetrating the most types of shields, I´d say the best turret you could use for hull damage would be the Corsair Salamanca turret, a neutron blaster from Crete. And the best, but again most expensive, missile launcher would be either the Cannonball or Firestalker missiles, depending on which type you´d rather have. And of course, the Hornet Cruise disrupter is by far the most efficient cruise disrupter, and even causes some damage. For the missiles and the Hornet, you´ll have to stay out in the Border/Independant worlds. I´m not totally sure on this one, but I reckon you can find the missiles and CD together on either the Corsair or Outcast homeworlds, or failing those you could try Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta. If not, shop around the far reaches of Sirius -- they´re expensive, high-tech weapons, they´re probably limited to the Border Worlds. I still recommend my BH set-up. I´ve never used the above set-up before, I´ve simply given you raw damage figures. They´re all class 9, so will drain your energy quite quickly. And it´s an expensive set-up too. If you want some faster-firing weapons for dogfights, or lower-class weapons for less energy drain, give me a nod and I´ll find you another option (I noted down the stats of nearly all the weapons and ships as I played the game, luckily -- kinda like an ITAC on paper <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> -- I just wish I´d noted down the places you can buy them, too, lol, but I think the locations I gave you will yield results). &quot;If it aint on fire, you haven´t shot it up bad enough yet&quot; - my old teacher on Planet Housten. Edited by - Bounty Hunter Jackson on 3/8/2004 5:49:45 PM

    `I wish I could flyyyy... hey look, I can[!] Woo hoo for Freelancer[!]`

  • if you intend to use one online and its a pvp server the shield off the titan (sorry its the only way to get it) is the one turret gmg skyblast the l8 slots shield killers l9 slots skyblasts or kraken 2 a ripper launcher is a must as well (i personally like a cannonball launcher in one of thr l9 slots but that costs a lot to use) torp / cruise disruptor your call

  • @steel- what the hell are you talking about?(19 slots etc...????)) @Jackson- I am more like a capture a guy or kill a guy Bounty Hunter so I want to look like one and i want high refire weps. I found the cannonball on planet curacao but i want to look

    Please correct me if I`m wrong. ~~~{Corsairs}Commander Gsk~~~

  • My old Hammerhead setup(I´ve since moved on to lower-class vessels): 2x GMG Skyblast B 1x Corsair Tizona Del Cid 1x Cannonball missile launcher 2x GMG Skyblast A 1x Hornet Cruise Disrupter/SunSlayer Torpedo Launcher 1x Ripper Mine Launcher 1x Adv. Countermeasures 1x Adv. Thruster 1x Class 9 Brigandine HF Shield ---------------------------------------- Proud owner and operator of a Patriot! Proud owner and operator of a Stiletto! Proud ally of the Bounty Hunters´ Guild! Proud hater of Nomad weapons! Proud user of all things underestimated! ---------------------------------------- For the last time...there is no &quot;N&quot; in &quot;TURRET&quot;!

  • OK then Lancer Pilot. My initial suggestion was a set-up consisting of Bounty Hunter weapons. Reavers are rapid-firing laser cannons, ideal for dog fighting. The Buckshot turret is a slow-firing particle weapon; it is about the most powerful anti-shield weapon we Hunters have, and that isn´t really designed to take on shields, it just does them a lot of damage -- 195 to be exact. The next best thing is Warrior Mk2s, which only cause 83 damage to shields though. The Bounty Hunters don´t have any EMP weapons, so that´s the best you can do energy-wise. If you´re going to use the Warriors, I´d replace two of the Reaver Mk2s, so you don´t drain so much energy. That is, unless you´re prepared to use missiles to damage the shields. They´re not really limited to any specific faction, so you can use any -- reloads are sold everywhere, after all. If you do that, Neutralizer missiles are the best available, knocking 2822 HPs off shields. Second best are Sweepers (the launcher to which is 20,000 credits cheaper), which do 1279 shield damage. Of course, you could use Paralyzer missiles -- if you find out where to buy the launcher for those, give us a shout <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Unfortunately, I´m not sure where to buy those, but you could try the same, or nearby planets to, planet you found the Cannonball launcher. <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>2 Bounty Hunter high refire weps 2 shield busters 1 shiled buster turret or hull damage gun. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> I´m assuming you know that there are six weapons ports plus one turret on a Hammerhead. So, here´s the final setup: - 2X Reaver Mk2 Laser Cannons (high refire rate, most powerful rapid-fire available, and BH) - 2X Neutralizer Missiles/Warrior Mk2s (Whichever you decide) - Either 2X Reaver Mk1/2, or the weapon of your choice (I suggest Reaver Mk1s, as they don´t drain so much, but add extra damage to your dog fighting) - 1X Buckshot turret (pretty darn good damage to hull and shields) - 1X Hornet Cruise Disrupter - One of each type of class-9 shield you can lay your hands on, switching in each region to the best one. The above is entirely of Bounty Hunter stock, and has some slow firing weapons and fast-firing weapons. &quot;If it aint on fire, you haven´t shot it up bad enough yet&quot; - my old teacher on Planet Housten. Edited by - Bounty Hunter Jackson on 3/10/2004 3:14:40 PM Edited by - Bounty Hunter Jackson on 3/10/2004 3:17:58 PM

    `I wish I could flyyyy... hey look, I can[!] Woo hoo for Freelancer[!]`

  • ok, here we go....(again <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) 2X Wyrm Mk2 2X Kraken Type 2 2X Reacer mk2 (or skyblast <img src=smilies/icon_smile_blackeye.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Sunslayer torps (Hornet CD in MP) Ripper Mine Adv. Countermeasures and a class 9 shield

  • @SFDF, That weapon config won´t fit on a Hammerhead. It can support Class 9 weapons, but only 4 of the slots are like that, the other two only support class 8. From my time flying the Hammerhead, I´ve used 2x Salamanca Mk I 2x Tizona Del Cid 2x

  • @BH Jackson you make a big issue out of the Turret. The Turret on the HH doesn´t as the Eagle does fire foward at Any angle. It only fires backwards so pointless relying on it for combat. To use it you either have to: Use rear view - Hole point of the

  • He asked for a turret suggestion, and he wanted a Bounty Hunter load-out... I gave them to him. Don´t blame me for crying out loud... And aft turrets have their uses. A skilled light fighter pilot can stay behind a Hammerhead no matter what you do. That´s when you switch to the aft turret. And a Buckshot´ll rip it to pieces. BTW, instead of having six Reavers, you might want to replace two of them with Buckshot particle guns instead. After thinking about it, if you do that, it´ll have to be two of the MkIIs, because the Hammerhead only supports four class 9s, and the Buckshots are class 9, I thought they were 8s. Still, leave the Buckshots deactivated until you really need them, or they´ll eat into your dogfighting. _____________________________ &quot;If it aint on fire, you haven´t shot it up bad enough yet&quot; - my old teacher on Planet Housten. <A href=´http://www.bounty-hunter-itac.tk´ Target=_Blank>The Bounty Hunter Intelligence and Tactical Computer System</a> Edited by - Bounty Hunter Jackson on 3/14/2004 1:39:46 PM

    `I wish I could flyyyy... hey look, I can[!] Woo hoo for Freelancer[!]`

  • I´ll stick with my sabre vhf with 2x cannonbal missiles 2x salamanca mkII. 2x wyrm mkII. (or was it kraken i forget) salamanca mkII. turret screamer or ripper mine i forget adv. countermeasures (not that i use them) and sunslayer torp. launcher. oh and it doesn´t handle like the titan (the things a cow seriosly) and has almost as much armor. Edited by - Dragonborn on 3/13/2004 2:06:17 PM

  • Ah, how many scalps I´ve gained from Sabre pilots <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> _____________________________ &quot;If it aint on fire, you haven´t shot it up bad enough yet&quot; - my old teacher on Planet Housten. <A href=´http://www.bounty-hunter-itac.tk´ Target=_Blank>The Bounty Hunter Intelligence and Tactical Computer System</a>

    `I wish I could flyyyy... hey look, I can[!] Woo hoo for Freelancer[!]`

  • Hey, no problem. After you´ve tried the Hammerhead, why not take the Barracuda into the Border Worlds <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>? _____________________________ &quot;If it aint on fire, you haven´t shot it up bad enough yet&quot; - my old teacher on Planet Housten. <A href=´http://www.bounty-hunter-itac.tk´ Target=_Blank>The Bounty Hunter Intelligence and Tactical Computer System</a>

    `I wish I could flyyyy... hey look, I can[!] Woo hoo for Freelancer[!]`