• Why use a hammerhead ? A new word for you guys : challenge. My hammerhead setup (ultimate for me) : 2 tizonas (or adv debilitator if you cant´ get tiz) 2 reaver mk II 2 lancer missiles launcher. Hornet cruise disruptor "If the milk turns out to get sour, I am not the kind of pussy to drink it !"

    If the milk turns out to get sour, I am not the kind of pussy to drink it !

  • Want a challenge? Take a starflyer to Alpha with basic set up. THAT´s a challenge <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &lt;&lt; ERROR 404 - SIG NOT FOUND &gt;&gt;

  • Nah, not with basic setup, use 2 Starbeams instead. A challenge indeed<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Just don´t do it with a mod where the AI has recharging shields, you´ll never get them down... &quot;There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don´t&quot;

  • If you ask me, the hammerhead should be the best ship in the game (class 10 weapons, heavy armor, etc.). For crying out loud, it´s a bounty hunter ship -- wouldn´t they want the best of everything? Anyone know of a mod for that?

    "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality." -- Alighieri Dante (1265-1321), Italian poet, "The Divine Comedy"

  • Law of the world. Heavier armour and weapons decreases manoeuvrability. What you have right now is a surprisingly maneuvrable ship with decent weapons. What you´d have with more energy-hungry weapons and heavy armour is a Titan :S _____________________________ &quot;If it aint on fire, you haven´t shot it up bad enough yet&quot; - my old teacher on Planet Housten. <A href=´http://www.bounty-hunter-itac.tk´ Target=_Blank>The Bounty Hunter Intelligence and Tactical Computer System</a>

    `I wish I could flyyyy... hey look, I can[!] Woo hoo for Freelancer[!]`

  • so true. You know what? You guys should populate Yukanojo´s Server. I love it. Start out completely neutral and 5k credits. Also, you can e-mail me and ask to join my clan if you want. I have 2 members already. If I agree with you joining, meet me at manhatten and i will give you 100k credits. So, pay a visit to Yukanojo´s server. Also, during the next week(10th to 16th), I will be donating my 7-8mil credits, and equipment to someone on the [5thW FL:: http://www.5thss.com server to some lucky player hanging out manahtten. I wil be around manhatten and only for 5 mins. I have kusari rare guns all the way to nomad guns and level 10 fighter shield. Don´t miss out.


  • Thanks for the spam<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I don´t like Bounty Hunter weapons. Take the Buckshot level 9 particle weapon. Now, there´s an Outcast level 9 particle weapon that does almost 200 more damage, with NO energy or refire difference, and sacrificing only 50 speed/range. See what I mean? And the Reaver II loses out to the GMG Skyblast B too

  • Correction. The Sabre, Eagle and Titan (in that order) are better ships than the Hammerhead. Armor values count for nothing without maneuverability

  • Something which the Eagle excels at <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> High armour and good manuverablity, the best VHF if slightly let down by the energy. Hammerhead Vs Eagle. Eagle, by far. Knock on some Nomad weaps and Skyblast B and any Hammerhead is toast. Is it me, or does everyone hate Rhineland? I mean, give them a chance! They only hunt you for about 99.9[% of the Single Player! Thats good....right? I mean, they could hunt you for ALL the Single Player.....right?.....hello?

  • Whoops, degrading into a best ship thread now guys. I sense a click sneaking up from behind. {Joda}Hmm, best-ships leads to spam, spam-leads to flaming, flaming leads to suffering. I sense much best-ships in this topic, hmm{/Joda} Darth Vader: I am your father Click: Nooooooooo *jumps* {Jedi}The force is strong with this Click{/Jedi} <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ----------- Join my Army of Daftness and together we will rule the world of TRL, I mean RTL, I mean... damn, never mind.

  • Keep this away from the titan vs sabre vs eagle topic. Many a thread have fallen down this evil path. &quot;A scratch? Your wing is off!&quot; &quot;No it isn´t&quot; &quot;Then what´s that then?&quot; &quot;I´ve had worse&quot;

    A scratch? Your wing is off! "No it isn`t" "Then what`s that then?" "I`ve had worse"