FLR 3.40 Upg 2.0 - Li01 Mission 3 Crash

  • Yes, I have had the same thing happen to me. MD just posted a little while ago that the Upgrade 2 DOES have a problem when leveling up to level 3 in SP. Which means you can´t play single player with it, because if you try to apply the Upgrade to an already saved game w/a high character, you have to start the whole game over <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> So we´ll have to find a MP server running the Upgrade in order to play it, until/if anyone who knows what they´re doing (not me! I certainly would fix this if I had any competence in modding, but sadly I do not). The Upgrade does look really neat, doesn´t it?

  • It was already taken care of. Both Platman and I found the cause of the crashes(the NY to Troy jumphole) and the code is corected, v2.01 of the upgrade will have this fixed.