• kingrat Use the map feature and click on the mining figure and it will show the mining areas. Shoot the asteroids in the area. Some explode and you can get oxegen, water, excetera. Michael <A href=´http://messianicgentile.tripod.com´ Target=_Blank> Ezekiel </a> <img src=´http://www.sighost.us/members/Finalday/klionfsh2.jpg ´>

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • Be sure you have only one gun activated (deactivate all but one or use the number keys) or you may blow up the loot that comes out of the asteroid/debris. ----------------------------------------------------------- &quot;The worst player has guns, and grenades, and vehicles, and all manner of damaging tools. Like a baby with a razor blade, he need not be skilled at all with his tools to cause terrible damage with them; a blind man can fire a tank and kill you.&quot; --7--

    ----------------------------------------------------------- "I gotta have more cowbell." ~fin~

  • Generally speaking, ice clouds (whitish gas + white asteroids) aren´t worth mining because you only get water. Try Omega 3 for Polymers and Hydrocarbons, Omega 11 for Diamonds (but watch your hull) and Omicron Beta for Alien Organisms. Those are my favourites for value

  • And Dublin for gold, and Colorado for silver and copper. In the Copperton field in Colorado, fill your ship up with copper, then send it to Pueblo, a few tradelanes away. This took me only about ten minutes (since I also had to deal with Hackers). Owner, CEO, CFO, President, and Manager of McCardy´s. McCardy´s:So much Cardamine, you´ll wish you had more! Come visit our new Buffalo Base Location: Take a ship to Buffalo and, uh, go inside McCardy´s.

  • Thanks guys. I have tried your suggetions, and I have tried my hand at mining, only to be killed by the Lane Hackers. Little progress is better than no progress. Thanks again.

    No matter where you hide, Methane Cloud, Ice Field, or Debris Field, the Rat will find you.

  • if you also want to not be bothered by lane hackers ar anybody but the xenos (breakfast of champions).........start a new character, then go to yanagi depot in sigma 13.....AND MAKE SURE NOT TO SHOOT ANYTHING AT ALL on the way there..........that sets you up for the rest of the game.........makes you neutral and allies with what ever you name, corsairs, outcasts, hackers, rouges, hessains, it is really easy from then<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> The hell with titans and nomads! nomads get boring, and titans are flying poo!

    The hell with titans and nomads! nomads get boring, and titans are flying poo!

  • Thanx King Charles, I will give that a try as well..... No matter where you hide, Methane Cloud, Ice Field, or Debris Field, the Rat will find you.

    No matter where you hide, Methane Cloud, Ice Field, or Debris Field, the Rat will find you.

  • If you want to avoid confrontation when you´re mining, turn on the Patrol Routes display on your nav map, and look at how they run through your mining area. Go and mine in a place as far away from the lines as possible, that means you won´t be bothered by patrols, and &quot;random&quot; encounters are far less frequent.