Need Help with the New Gemini Sector

  • If you can instruct me on how they are made & what you want on them it would be my pleasure to assist. It is hard to soar with eagles when you fly with turkeys.

  • Well, all I really need is the text files, any word processor will work. I can then place them into the infocards. I no longer have a working copy of Privateer 1, so I can´t see if there´s any info on the individual bases. I have some files that list all of the bases, systems, and quadrants. I can email them to you if you like. What to include... That´s why I need help. Other than references to Pirates, Militia, Retros, Confed, the Kilrathi, the various Privateer ships, bases, and systems, it´s wide open! A bit of imagination, some creative inspiration, and a well working muse, would all be nice. (My muse has been on the fritz for quite a while.) Watch your 6!

  • I don´t believe that the bases in Priv have any infocards other than the ones in the manual ... I´ll certainly be glad to write some stuff on that matter, -------- &quot;Pirate! I´m not a pirate. The Spanish have pirates. I´m a <i>privateer </i>&quot;.