*** ALL Rebalance Mod FANS *** READ : Massive Addon/Fix for Rebalance 3.5

  • Hey people, Go <A href=´http://flspace.genocide-inc.com´ Target=_Blank>here</a> for some good news <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Go into the forums, then rebalance, then the news related one, there´s some info there that you´ll need. Also, if you want to do what´s described there, please sign up for membership. Reason I´m asking for that is so that I know the email addresses are valid. If ya don´t want to sign up that´s fine, just drop me a note either here, or through email <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Later people <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ArchKaine Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they´re just too blissful to know better.

    Death to the enemies of life.
    Life to the enemies of death.

  • I haven´t been here for a long time but as I said before, is it possible to have an option where you can enable/disable instant docking? I see this and other mods where the idiots get to close to the atmosphere, and blow up (allowing me to tractor in goods) and than they don´t dock into the planet! Also, I hear some other mods have planetary surfaces, giving a feel for multiple bases on planets, is it possible you guys can do that too? Thanks!

  • Will you be keeping the VoidRaptor, the Hydra III bomber in Omicron Alpha in the final mod? How ´bout adding the shadow engine to the LSF base (kaene sp?? outpost) in Omicron Gamma so we can buy the raven claw and put a decent engine on it there? Mo

  • why does everyone like the ravenclaw, it looks cool but it doesn´t have the lightspeed capability... and it would be nice if a new version for the slipstream comes out, a version that allows it to equip lvl10 shields... Plus how about allowing battleship users to have another fighter inside their ship, it´s such a chore to dock on a base using a battleship... But this option must allow the player to shop for the battleship as well... Is that possible? It would be cool and practical... But the peoblem is the battleship would be vulnerable to attack, wouldnt it? Please consder my suggestion...

  • another thing... please include the archangel class battleship from gundam seed.... can you do that please?!!!! Its a great ship... Helldarts (missiles, indefinite) Valiants x2 Low Ingrams x2 Gun Turrets Mobilesuit launchbays?

  • Hey guys, Well, I have good/bad news for the inquirers here: I uploaded the mod to bakedpotato last night. So that means: <b>A.) </b>the mod should be up for DL here soon <img src=smilies/icon_smile_cool.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <b>B.) </b>it´s already finished for the time being. However, MD did send me the solararch and the batch files that will allow instant docking to be either turned on or off. The mod somes set to normal dock by default, so you´ll have to activate the instant docking if you want that on. But I can´t put any new stuff anywhere (or make a completely new ship (ships) with new equipment -- I have run SOT (<i>*expletive deleted* </i>out of time) as far as school goes. I have a LOT to do in order to get/stay caught up with my AP classes. Ah, and if you don´t like the Ravenclaw´s default engine, fly to a base with the Shadow engine and buy it there. That´s why it comes <b>with </b>an engine to begin with - to get around. Don´t get lazy on me now <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Anyways, talking about schoolwork reminds me of the hideous pile o´ crap awaitin my attention (gotta interpret and relate Rene Girard´s essay on the Book of Job, then draw interrelated connections about why Job is a scapegoat -- <b>FUN! </b><img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Hopefully good ol´ bp will let us know about what´s happening soon. I didn´t know that he apparently has to test it in SP and MP before release - not that I am complaining about someone helping look for bugs, just hat means it ain´t getting to you guys as soon as I wanted. But hey, hang in there, compardes - not long <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I´ll talk you guys later. Ro9ue _________________________________ __________________________________ &quot;Do or do not. There is no try.&quot; <i>- Jedi Master Yoda </i> ________________________________________ Edited by - Ro9ue on 2/21/2005 5:47:29 PM

  • Thanks guys... wish it comes out soon and not a second later.... ill try the damocles. maybe it isn´t such a bad ship after all. and, uhmmm... what does loadout mean? (stupid, huh?) Please forgive my ignorance...

  • ele, i only like the raven claw not only because of its looks anf fire power and config on the monuvability. but also because it DOESNT have warp drive. its just one of the reasons why iam into the rebalance mod and there is only two reasons. the other reason is because i think this is the best mod with plenty of weaps and equpment you can get. also i hate warp drive because you cant dart around when in a battle. it makes you have to run in circles and its harder to kill things going 800 clicks an hour.

  • Warrior , try warping by in passes instead of circles. stop start/stop start. kinda like you would w/ engine kill regular. question for the group. some mods I´ve seen are just scripts. how do you apply these mods? apparently not w/ mod manager? just lo

  • @ elreicht: A <i>loadout </i> is the set of equipment, weapns, lights, and cargo a ship has. For example, you can talk about the default <b>loadout </b>that a ship comes with when you buy it, which includes all of the powerplant, engine, scanner, trcto

  • hey guys, i noticed something about the warp drive in some ships... Once you use your cruise engines the warp drive is disabled until you dock or jump to another system...the same goes for some ships that can retain their speed instead of the warp drive...they lose the engine kill capability once you activate the cruise engine.

  • yeah.. im with shawn.. this mod is coming a little of an anti-climax.. (NOT THAT IM SAYING YOU GUYS ARENT WORKING HARD) thats a load of crap.. but its been nearing release for a very long time now..

  • HI GUYS if all goes to plan BP should be uploading the mod anytime now, so im waiting with baited breath to dl the mod, and get the black sabbath server going again, and if ur wondering where the servers gone, its takeing a much needed rest after a full re-install, but its ready to go when i get the new mod all of my questions are answers to my sins.and all of my endings are waiting to begin

  • @Archkain, hey dude, i just went to ur site, and got the message, acount suspended, you forget to pay the bill??? all of my questions are answers to my sins.and all of my endings are waiting to begin

  • Heya Sabb, Site looks fine to me, maybe try again? <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> To those who are wondering: Regarding &quot;When´s the mod gonna be out?&quot;... We´re trying ok? Please be patient. To everyone: I´ve spotted a small CTD (crash to desktop) bug... DO NOT try to enter any JH´s that go to either Aten, or Theta-2. It WILL crash! We forgot to re-add some files after something happened. We´ll get this fixed. Also, please avoid using capships for the time being, I think there may be a bug that causes a CTD (see above definition) when you´re in a really intense fight (lotsa fighters, lotsa guns blazing, that sort of thing). If someone with lots of memory on their system wants to test this out for me, I´d REALLY appreciate it, it could just be my system not handling large fights well, due to only having 256 meg of ram. Let me know via email if any other bugs pop up once the mod is out. (ArchKaine@gmail.com) I really hope there aren´t any more, but we´ll see. Hey Sabb, would you do that test for me that I mentioned above? If so, thanks much <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ArchKaine Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they´re just too blissful to know better.

    Death to the enemies of life.
    Life to the enemies of death.