Todo List for v1.4 (feedback requested) - Updated 10/22

  • Have a more powerful sys in flmm witch allows bigger mods to be downloaded, you see, i got dial up and i cant download very big mods, so if u could have it to where people like me, with dial up 56 k and sutch could download the bigger and better mods i cant even download 30mb things. plz it would be GREAT! Shutup

  • <b>w0dk4 </b>: added to v1.4 beta 1 <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <b>WatercoolerWarrior </b>: Yes, coding a commandline parser was part of the reason for the delay in the release of the first beta; it´s hard to get into the coding mood when that stuff is what´s on the plate :/ <b>Louva-Deus </b>: Do you still encounter backup/restore problems in v1.4 beta 1? Do you still want script support for modifying executable version strings? If so, could you give me more details (including the hex offset)? <b>reagan64 </b>: if you can replicate that problem in v1.4 beta 1, please let me know right away. <b>Bejaymac and Cold_Void </b>: Could you please give me all the details on exactly what needs and what doesn´t need to be modified under My GamesFreelancer, and why they need to be modified? <b>Cold_Void </b>: Do you still have a need for modifications to be done to FLMM? If so, could you elaborate on exactly what you need? <b>MAN </b>: FLMM is completely independent of file downloading. If you have problems downloading files over dial-up, use a download manager (like Getright or Firefox) or just make friends with someone who has broadband <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>.

  • IGx89 welcome back <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> That was to try and stop the little bamsticks from using god mode, but I´m now more interested in being able to delete or edit the &quot;Restart.fl&quot; file in the save folder. I have a small OpenSP mod that I´m testing using an idea of Argh´s, it work fine on its own but when I add it to an existing mod its &quot;Restart.fl&quot; stops it from working. So if you can change where the xml command &quot;data file=&quot; is allow to points to (ie. save game folder) that would be a big help. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Rebalance 3.5 Dev. Team <A href=´´ Target=_Blank></a>

  • not really,i´m very happy with it - but RSS 2.0 for media enclosures to update mods would be wicked sick : and it would tie in with Louva´s request to enable FLMM to change exe numbers. one thing i´d really like to see is an INI generateres function,where you point to the INI with generateres in it and FLMM handles replacing the IDS info - i know there are any number of ways to do this via xml,newfile,replace,etc,but this would be much simpler for people renaming every piece of equipment in the my games folder there is perfoptions.ini and userkeymap.ini - its not critical but it would be nice to be able to replace the userkeymap and maybe perf options for some mods oh and WB Matt,i was starting to worry you´d forgot about lil´ old TLR <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Cold_Void on 10/18/2005 6:01:51 PM

  • Yes, Restart.fl is the main thing I´d really like to see us be able to mod via FLMM/XML. If you remove the Mission lines from it, you get rid of the Mission code entirely... and you can set Level, starting equipment... and... MOST IMPORTANTLY... you can alter the fundamental relationships between the Factions in Single Player mods! Which is a big, hairy deal- it´d finally let third-party Factions work right. Being able to modify stuff on this path... would be very, very useful. Oh yeah... and... is there any way we could make an easier method of adding third-party Faction names? Just a thought. I will beta-test this new version sometime this week.

  • Hey umm can you make it so FLMM loads faster at startup cause i don´t like waiting 3 min for it to load<img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • I like the idea of toggling the comment-stripping. Could a dialog box option or command-line switch be used to enable comment stripping? This sounds like a decent compromise option, as smaller file size = less parsing time, etc. Yes, I know it sounds silly when we all have ~2 GHz systems, but ... y´know. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • <b>Bejaymac and Argh </b>: Editing of Restart.fl was added to beta 2, as you already know <b>Cold_Void </b>: Putting all your xmldata and stringdata groups into their own script file isn´t enough? <b>Argh </b>: what do you mean by an easier method of editing third-party faction names? <b>5i1 </b>: it really takes 3min to load? You must have an awful lot of mods installed and/or a very slow computer/harddrive, because ~40 mods loads in about ~5 seconds for me. I´d recommend deleting (or moving) all the mods you don´t use any more. <b> Hahukum Konn </b>: you mean removing empty lines? It´s technically possible to make it an option in FLMM´s Options menu and apply it to every mod, but I´d have to do some more research first. Even if I did add that though, it would only strip blank lines from files modified by active mods using script operations.

  • You could also put a bunch of GENERATE macros in a separate INI file and add a copyfile method to your script with scanfile=&quot;true&quot;; or am I not understanding what you´re wanting?