FL Server control software

  • Likewise, I use IONCROSS Mk V, and VNC for full admin access, but I also use FLAdmin for server police access and for restarting the server after a crash. I found it the only sure way of shutting that darned annoying Microsoft error reporting window and guaranteeing that the server would always come back up. I have used FLServerGuard but i found that it locks up and crashes quite often; in my experience. The only annoyance I have found is that I have set IONCROSS to restart the server every 12 hours. If FLAdmin picks up that the server is down at the same time it will also restart the server. This results in 2 instances of my server running at the same time. Unless i restart the server manually I have not yet found a way around this. Buck Rogers Server Admin Colours Elite UK http://www.colourselite.co.uk

  • <A href=´http://www.asgard-evolved.com´ Target=_Blank>Evolved</a> uses Ioncross MKV and FLAC. We use MyWebEx PC as our admin remote operator utility. It is a very good web based remote tool, that can be used from any PC (including work). It has extensive security up to and including requiring telephone (or cell phone) approval before it can be accessed.

  • Wow, Stargate meets Freelancer. A combination of my two fav things. I call Dibs on the name O´Niel! It would be really cool if you could pull it off. Edited by - Chupa on 7/14/2005 7:47:42 PM