**UTILITY** Freelancer Mod Manager v1.4 beta 1

  • Hey, IGx89, I tried 1.4 yesterday and I have some feedback from an XML modder´s perspective. First, when I try to unzip a .zip.flmod file, it opens up the mod manager instead of unzipping. It´s odd because I tried it with several different mods and none seemed to work. Second, just wanted to say that the F5 reload feature is a great idea, but it seems slow and appears to lock up FLMM as loading large mods used to. Also, just wanted to say that the multithreading is great and it seems to make activation/deactivation MUCH faster. I haven´t gotten a chance to fiddle around with the rest of the stuff, but so far it´s been pretty good, except that one bug. It´s a great tool, so thanks for putting the time in to make it! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    ________________________________ A turbulent time where the fate of humankind rests in the balance. The fulcrum, the breaking point of humanity. Heros rise and fall, faster than any can track. Saviors and demons both. Who will you be? How will your story be told? Control Your Own Faction 5: The Redemption Join the revolution here!

  • Alright, thanks for the report; that´s one feature I unfortunately forgot to test :/ Yeah, F5 reloads every mod so it´s going to be slow; better than restarting FLMM though <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>.

  • umm i think i found something weird when i try to turn on Argh/Chips Open Sp Lite it keeps comeing up with this error: Error: FLMM has determined that ´Argh/Chips Open SP Lite, Alternative Version´ won´t properly activate. Error: file ´C:DOCUME~1OwnerLOCALS~1TempFLM14.tmp´ doesn´t exist Error: FLMM has determined that ´Argh/Chips Open SP Lite, Alternative Version´ won´t properly activate. Error: file ´C:DOCUME~1OwnerLOCALS~1TempFLM13.tmp´ doesn´t exist Error: FLMM has determined that ´Argh/Chips Open SP Lite, Alternative Version´ won´t properly activate. Error: file ´C:DOCUME~1OwnerLOCALS~1TempFLM12.tmp´ doesn´t exist Error: FLMM has determined that ´Argh/Chips Open SP Lite, Alternative Version´ won´t properly activate. Error: file ´C:DOCUME~1OwnerLOCALS~1TempFLM11.tmp´ doesn´t exist and the number after FLM1 part keeps increaseing by 1 each time i try It didn´t used to do this before i upgraded WTf it is doing the same thing for Chip open sp lite Edited by - 5i1 on 10/20/2005 6:07:21 PM

  • I think that also occurs on other versions of OpenSP as well. I´ve noticed the problem on a few others.

    ________________________________ A turbulent time where the fate of humankind rests in the balance. The fulcrum, the breaking point of humanity. Heros rise and fall, faster than any can track. Saviors and demons both. Who will you be? How will your story be told? Control Your Own Faction 5: The Redemption Join the revolution here!

  • I get same thing, though numbers different. Can never have too many of the same thing though (My open sp &quot;lite&quot; - what a great name i gave it *sigh* <img src=smilies/icon_smile_approve.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) Error: FLMM has determined that ´Open SP Lite´ won´t properly activate. Error: file ´C:DOCUME~1MICHAE~1LOCALS~1TempFLM55D.tmp´ doesn´t exist Error: FLMM has determined that ´Open SP Lite´ won´t properly activate. Error: file ´C:DOCUME~1MICHAE~1LOCALS~1TempFLM55C.tmp´ doesn´t exist Here is a download to the file if you want it Matt: <A href=´http://www.pathfinderstudios.com/index.php?option=com_remository&amp;Itemid=33&amp;func=download&amp;filecatid=26´ Target=_Blank>here</a> Also noticed that if you click on the name of a mod (double click) to activate it, the tick stays green when activated... (same if you select the name, then the tick). It doesn´t change to a red cross unless you change the highlight to another (ie select) mod. When you first start FLMM up it automatically has a name highlighted (the first one on the list) - but if you click any empty space on the screen that is &quot;white&quot; space to deselect any mod... the green arrow and last mod description is still there. Now its no issue, because if you click the green arrow it does nothing, just a real small anal aesthetic thing (as in I´m being anal...) - that´s all. Maybe if when nothing is selected the activate/deactivate is invisible perhaps? Same with if you activate a mod then click free space again - it has the deactive sign now, but clicking it does nothing. You need to reselect the mod once more. I know that last bit is really quite, well, pathetically picky - but if you´re bored and feel like it, I mentioned it <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Chips on 10/22/2005 1:15:51 PM

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>When I try to unzip a .zip.flmod file, it opens up the mod manager instead of unzipping. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> I got the same problem <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Also noticed that if you click on the name of a mod (double click) to activate it, the tick stays green when activated... (same if you select the name, then the tick). It doesn´t change to a red cross unless you change the highlight to another (ie select) mod. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> I to the same problem I no it´s small but it´s weird and might confuse some people

  • All fixed in the new <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?Topic_ID=41420&amp;Forum_ID=32´ Target=_Blank>beta 2</a> <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. This thread is now unofficially closed; please post all your new bug reports in the new beta´s thread now. Edited by - IGx89 on 10/22/2005 2:55:59 PM