• is there any tools that would tell me all the ids names of all ships, guns, etc.?
    it would help me greatly on my latest mod project =)

    i hope someone can help

    EDIT: if there is no such tool, can somebody please provide me all the ids names?
    it would be so much appreciated!

    EDIT2: the most important things that i need are the:
    Ship Name (in game)
    and nickname

    for example:
    ship name = Titan
    ids_name = 237021
    nickname = co_elite2

  • You may find FLstat helpful in this regard, if its your own mod; just activate it then run FLstat. If your FL install is non-standard, you'll need to point FLstat to the base FL directory, then update from the menu. Gotta remember to do this after changes are made also (the update from ini part). It lays out Weapons, Bases, Systems...well basically most objects in the game, in separate tabs listing their ingame names, info about them, and ids info / name / numbers.
    Should be in the DL's section... yeah here it is (open downloads section in a new tab, log in, tab back here and open link in new tab)…index.php?file=148&sort=1

  • but the problem is, it doesnt give me the right information. the information it gives is the player info in multiplayer server, but im not running a server.

    i dont know how i can use FLstat to get the informations i need

  • oops, didn't see that, the site doesn't allow to link to starport, well, go to: the(dash)starport dot net and look in the downloads archive. I had to type it like that but im sure you understand. a dash is - if you dont know.

  • o.0 well I'm looking at the Gun tab, scroll right to the end and there's the ids info and name, as well as nickname for each gun. Same for ships, etc. Unless I misread your post entirely... you wanted an easy way to check each weapon's IDS name / info, as well as the displayed name. Those are all present in each tab, just have to remember to scroll to get to them. Can also export the lists as CSV if that's "how you roll".

    As for MP / SP most files are player-side so they're present whether you're running a server or not.
    [attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->FLstat.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]

  • OMG that's so weird!
    i think i got the wrong one...

    that's how it looks like to me...

    and i uploaded the example file that came with it, it's completely different from the picture you posted above.

  • OOoooooh duh! lol haha well that shows you I don't run a server very often :) There is another version for just game item stats. Suppose I should check which version is up on the DL section eh?

    Ok search for FLs105 in the downloads section, that is FL stat v1.05 which is pictured above. Sorry for the confusion m8, my bad

  • no problem! i am grateful for all of your help!
    i will seach that right now =)

    thank you so much!

    EDIT: i wonder, can you pls just attach the one that you have so i can download it here in this forum?
    i tried searching but all versions that i found (flstat v 1-5) were all the same thing, all about multiplayer stats.

    and sorry for bugging you too much about this.