How to check my mod

  • Hey, I have a problem. I did some mod, which adds new fraction with new base and weapons. When I added weapons to mod everything was ok. But when I tried to write loadouts for NPC ship of that fraction i think that I made some mistake doing this because Freelancer doesn't works. And now, I have a question, is it some program, that checks my mod for errors? Please Help Me!
    Everyone, who do mods knows that finding errors is very very difficult. :evil:

  • I don't really know of any programs, but I do have some advice. Instead of completely changing an entire file, check each part as you go. Because you could have everything right, except for one word's misspelt. But without having a limited area to work with, you have to spend those hours rechecking everything.

    Also, I'm going to add that I'm going to move this thread to the Error forum to try and start with a better organization.

  • From what I'm reading here, I encountered a similar problem after creating
    new factions.

    Look into your "MISSIONS" folder and recheck faction_prop and npc_ships.
    Also take a closer look at your initial world and empathy files.

    FLScan has been very good at finding inconsistencies. But it has it's limitations.
    It should be able to find where your problem is.
    To use it, your mod must be activated. After the scan runs and gives you an error report, you have to deactivate the mod (and "restore backups").
    Then, use the error report to guide you where to look in your mod folders.

  • I have a similar problem. Freelancer won't start at all after the latest test version of the mod I'm working on. All I get is this error.

    ERROR: ArchDB::Get(2897825280) failed

    Can someone interpret this? I have no idea what it means, but I assume it is faction-related. I just recently modified a brand-new faction and I might have made some mistakes. Nevertheless, I've never encountered a problem like this where FL won't even start outside of a corrupt autosave, and even faction errors don't crash the game before the main menu even pops up. I deleted the autosave and it still doesn't work.

  • kamsys : Good error checking softwares are:
    Bluecat's INI Analyzer (oldest, probably least used)
    Accushot's FLScan (pretty good, all around software)
    Lancer Solurus' FL Error Checker (very thorough, will find more errors than FL logs!)

    TubeJuice : what you need is to get CRCTool, build a CRC list with it and then scan that list for your decimal CRC, in this case 2897825280. ArchDB::Get() Failed means FL couldn't find that archetype.

  • empathy.ini, faction_prop.ini are ok, because freelancer was working. But when I edited loadouts.ini and than changed NPC_SHIP in faction_prop.ini there was some error. I think that I simply made mistake in one word so i must check it.
    Thanx for advice ! :)

  • This should really go in the modding forum. But good work on finding the problem.

    New mod under devolpment -
    Systems - 11/100
    Items - 0/?
    Ships - 0/?
    Back Story- Almost done.

    Any help would be appericated.