• I've looked through a few of my older mods and I've updated them to FLMM 1.3
    - I'm using 1.4b4 but I'm sure they work on 1.3

    The two I've Scripted are:
    White Star - Cruiser (Note many mods have this there but they set it as a "type=Capitol" it should be type=fighter [this is for ship handling purposes] if you're following Babylon 5 specs.)
    Fire Fly - Freighter

    What makes these different then most ship mods?
    Well they're scripted. They allow you to Choose Locations (helps to not interfere with other mods), Choose the price you like, White Star has Mooring options, Firefly has equipment Loadout options. What I hope to inspire is that people who make single mod ships see my scripts and are inspired to do similar work. But at least I've given something back to the community!

    I have them both hosted here:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://hosted.filefront.com/indomidable/">http://hosted.filefront.com/indomidable/</a><!-- m -->

    If you'd like me to script a ship for a single release send it to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:Indomidable@hotmail.com">Indomidable@hotmail.com</a><!-- e --> with the relevant info and I'll put it up as well.