/me is sick @ VB :p hmm, i like this, i like simple programs
Posts by -Trail-
I would like to see a kinda massive base, i mean capable of holding 20 Battleships, it would be like an alternative to a planet, though it would be good with hollowey bits (kinda like current bugish stations) only gihe, with landing decks, but vertical, so it soars high into the sky (or i could just rotaate it in INI´s lol)
Could you plz put Multithreading into the "unzipping archive" bit? When you first run a .flmod file it unzips it, that still frezzes up
its for ships, i think you just use one for other ships or did someone invent a means of using theese?
oh i love the multithreading, was allways jam,ming on activation, i dont actually use scripts though
allright point taken, keep the lil mods :p thanks for the ctrl + D
Ive done a lot to this the past week: The one with the green sun is the Hero system, The ship is a n00b Medium ighter, the ship i am fllying in the rest of them is a Slicer (n00b light fighter) See http://squareownz.com/fl/forum/Blah.pl for Screenshots like: <img src=´http://squareownz.com/blahdocs/uploads/screen11_5902.jpg ´> and <img src=´http://squareownz.com/blahdocs/uploads/squareownz_3052.jpg ´> and <img src=´http://squareownz.com/blahdocs/uploads/screen1_6216.jpg ´> and <img src=´http://squareownz.com/blahdocs/uploads/screen5_9411.jpg ´> - Missions now work - SquareOwnz system about 90% complete - More Encounters - 6 new flyable ships (not including Starting 2 ships, Admin Ships and Gunboats) - Harder NPC´s - Total Conversion - PVP System Its all goin good <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=´http://squareownz.com/sob.jpg ´>
or alternatively you could use a basic template for the ships like: [Zone nickname = Zone_SO01_pop_ambient_01 ;anything here pos = 0, 0, 0 ;center of system shape = SPHERE ;round thing size = 150000 ;150k from middle? visit = 128 ;leave interference = 0.500000 ;dunno sort = 99.500000 ;works fine toughness = 4 density = 6 repop_time = 25 max_battle_size = 12 pop_type = Background relief_time = 15 faction_weight = so_grp, 20 encounter = area_assault, 4, 1.000000 faction = so_grp, 1.000000 ;your faction, all must total <= 1 encounter = area_defend, 12, 1.000000 faction = so_grp, 1.000000 ;your faction, all must total <= 1 if you copy and paste that adding more of theese: encounter = area_defend, 12, 1.000000 faction = so_grp, 1.000000 to the bottom with your own faction you will ventually get an uberwarzone! just put at bottom of your system file (/DATA/UNIVERCE/xx01/xx01.ini) <img src=´http://squareownz.com/sob.jpg ´>
thank you, ka-done!! <img src=´http://squareownz.com/sob.jpg ´>
oh thats weird
thanks ill get it done now <img src=´http://squareownz.com/sob.jpg ´>
before i forget: can we plz have a key shortcut to launch FLserver? Ctrl + D perhps? i hate the mouse!
should not offers_missions be offers_missions = true? thnks for this <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
cool, but do FLMM´s have to come preloaded with all the little scripts, i like my FLMM looking clean <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
hmm im too buisy atm and i dont like SP lol, i would offer otherwise
<img src=´http://squareownz.com/sob.jpg ´> Edited by - -Trail- on 10/17/2005 7:34:38 AM
take away their cloaks and they never will cloak in the first place
i think you need them in a CMP or THN or something, i dunno, its hard though lol
i made an uberbig system, it went realy weird.. kinda like a white hole lol
well feedback has been good from the ehhh 2 people who have played it
yeah gimme a min i shall host it