Adding vertical strafing ability by Rasauul


    This is from some mod, cant remember which, sorry for bad crediting.

    Add these two entries to Keylist.ini:
    (put em just below Slide_evade_right

    Add these two entries to KeyMap.ini:
    (again under the slide blabla right entry for good order)
    ids_name = 1958
    ids_info = 3300
    state = keydown, keyup
    key = 82
    ids_name = 1959
    ids_info = 3301
    state = keydown, keyup
    key = 70

    Further down in same ini in the chapter named:
    nickname = IDR_SPACE:
    insert these two lines:
    (after the slide right entry for good order)

    and....You should be good to go strafing in 3 dimensions :)

  • adoxa, is this your website?
    Some of the goodies on that site look familiar to me like Hostile Universe. A character named Giskard came up with a mod of the same name.
    I'm just wondering because Giskard was very talented and I haven't seen him around in years and am curious as to what he's been up to and why he ever left the community.

  • Yes, that's my site. I had previously patched Hostile Universe V8.1, but when I ran out of room on Geocities and switched to 110mb, I contacted Giskard and got permission to incorporate the patch directly, hence V8.2.

    As far as I'm aware (which isn't all that much :) ) the new keys were only available as part of a mod. Adding it to the patch makes it available to all mods.

  • so is this usable,as in something that has been aready incorparated into a patch and can it be used in any mod without ctd or crashes would this be something that should also be put into acessablities section?

    Yellow Eagle

  • The actions themselves are already part of the game, I simply added the keys to the appropriate files so they show up on the Control screen. I have, however, modified resources.dll to add/correct the help strings, but I don't think mods use that file. Non-English users could complain, but none have so far...

  • Gregstar2k is the gentlemen who originally came up with Vertical Strafing, back in 2004 if I remember rightly. He was nearly obliterated from "FL history" due to Reynen Starfyre not giving credit, but demanding it instead. Luckily through some mediation, we had this corrected and Reynen begrudingly gave in.

    Shame if it was all for nothing though, so thought I'd mention it.

  • Put that in an xml file for your mod, and it should work, make a file caleld 'vertstrafekey.xml', paste the code in, save it, drop it into whatever mod you want to add the feature to, activate the mod with FLMM, and you're good to go.

    Dont forget to go into the options/controls section once Freelancer is running and set the keys you want to use.


    Terror Trooper #666

    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...