Multiplayer is horror 101%

  • You need to log onto my server... Striker´s universe.. NY sytem is no PK-ing (rest of the systems are fair game..) and I do back-ups 3 times a week...Break that rule, you get kicked, then banned...If you had a probelm you can email me (email on the site..) I want people to have fun but challanged.. Yes, myself and a few friends are something like lvl 37+ but we are all exploring the outer systems....and im not into PK-ing. (no fire unless fired upon..) A friend at work who also plays told me similar horror stories.. but here is the thing.. If you log on and get jumped in NY as a new pilot = just try another... I dont get the ´fun´ in chasing down a new pilot in the basic ship with my lvl 10 guns and titan... whats the point in that... It just sounds like the server you hopped on has kids on it, immature ones at that...try one that has an owner that loved privateer and elite... if you know what those were... <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> If you find a good one somewhere else, let everyone know it <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &quot;Ive come to kick ass and chew bubblegum...and Im all out of gum&quot;

    "Ive come to kick ass and chew bubblegum...and Im all out of gum"

  • OW im sure there are better or even good servers,... But i´m the kind of type that really, really, really, hates to start 10x over from scrap. In all games, if i lose something and have to start from point 0 again i get kinda edgy, especially after hours of play! After that i need to go to my local pharmisist to buy some &quot;smokable&quot; relaxant <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Does your server give me a neutral to all factions start? Or at least neutral to the lane hackers! Otherwise i think i´ll pass on the freelancer multiplayer,.... permanently!

  • Another thing you might want to consider: try playing on servers that have a ping of under 200 (if you can find one that has under 100 you´ll be set) you shouldn´t have many problems with lag related issues (i.e. ships flying irregularly). Also, try to find servers that have &quot;24/7&quot; in them (although in some cases the servers are not 24/7 and can suffer crashes and resets...but if they´re good they´ll backup their characters). Anyways, just thought I´d throw in my 2 cents. Cheers.

    [img=] Keep watching -- every thousandth time Sisyphus gets squashed! (This pic was originally found by me at my former department`s website.)

  • here are too good servers sponsored by this site Elite and E2, both ping under 200 for me all the time (usually alot lower) good action and there is no pking in Liberty in Elite and pking isn´t turned on in E2, and if you are haveing trouble startiong out im sure someone can give you 50k if you ask nicely, if im on ill help you out, just dont go blaming the game for the problems you have been experiencing its the people running the servers you were playing on who are responsible Peace through superior firepower. <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>The Best FL Squadron Around Wants You</a>

  • Same thing happend to me yesterday. Got my guy going. Like a dummy I was advertising to find a wing-man willing to share profits from trading. Some **** knew my route from this and waited for me in New York. He gave me one chance to &quot;drop half of my cargo&quot;. He stopped the trade lane and with one shot blew up my shields. Somehow the trade lane started again and I was moving so fast, then here he is again (how did he fly so fast?) and stopped the trade lane. He then blew me up. Then he had the gaul to say, &quot;Stupid move, you could have kept half your cargo&quot; as if he was doing me a favor. This situation reminds me of Diablo. I played Dioblo online once and was so infuriated by it I gave up multiplayer for years. Now I´ve finally given it another try and have had a really good experience in a Ghost Recon clan. Now I try, and love, Freelancer, but what a disappointment in the multiplayer. I know, I can go to a different server, but like the other guy said, it really really really sucks to have wasted HOURS of my time to have everything ruined by one ****. And the other thing is what seems to be rampant cheat mods being used on the servers. I asked some guys about the &quot;speed mod&quot;. I said, &quot;cheater mod?&quot;, they responded, &quot;not really&quot;. When someone responds &quot;not really&quot; it means &quot;definitely&quot;. Oh well, I´ll try it agani because in the next server I played in there were some really nice guys and I was able to hook up with some fellow newbies for a few fun mission. Just hate starting over and losing everything to a cheating **** with no life. I only have a few hours to devote to gaming each week. Why would anyone with limited time choose to play a multiplayer game that is so frustrating? - Silent Jay

  • Personally, I just play somewhere else when I don´t like the &quot;Wild West atmosphere&quot; I find on some of the PvP servers. Cheating, on the other hand, is reprehensible; and I hope it is curtailed with the coming patch that´s been talked about.

  • I was so horribly dissappointed in the lag problems that i only played on four or five servers with supposedly 30-40 ping times... I just quit and went back to SP, at least there the enemies don´t warp place to place in mid-battle. You know what REALLY sucked? I created my own server for my own private play, and THE ENEMIES STILL LAGGED AROUND IN BATTLE!! HOW STUPID IS THAT?????

  • I spent the best part of 3/4 of an hour letting my 3 yr old son bash my keyboard as i was being spawn camped by a well known squadron... 3/4 of an hour... and they never left orbit... So i let my son play... he had about as much luck as i did getting past the blockade, as they opened fire before control was handed back to the player. That kind of PK will never be fun, and i really don´t see how anyone can gain satisfaction from that kind of kill... its a bit like hunting a legless rabbit.

    Them -"This is Kusari police, scanning your cargo for contraband" Me - "Sure" Them - "Now thats what i`m talking about" Me - "H-fuel is contraband?"

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade> I spent the best part of 3/4 of an hour letting my 3 yr old son bash my keyboard as i was being spawn camped by a well known squadron... <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> If I hear of this going on in the Elite server, I´ll ban the lot of ´em (the whole squadron) in a heartbeat and not think twice about it. I´ve spoken with the main faction tenants about this extended camping in the past. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_disapprove.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> If I am in game and I actually see this going on, then expect a public humiliation to ensue. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> 5-10 minutes is fine, but any longer and all that is really being done is taking up a spot on the server that could be better used by someone waiting to log into an already busy server. Rob &quot;Stinger&quot; Lordier Moderator - <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> Lancers Reactor </a> Creator <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> Privateer FAQ </a> <i> no good deed will ever go unpunished </i>

  • Aif you have lag problems,what is your internet connection? I only get 31,200 friday i will have high speed internet in hopes that will help.

    We may be outnumbered and even outgunned. Would you rather to die sitting or standing

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>If I hear of this going on in the Elite server, I´ll ban the lot of ´em (the whole squadron) in a heartbeat and not think twice about it. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> I was beginning to wonder why I hadn´t seen NEO lately. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • heh you have to be smart enough to find out if you want to play<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>...ill give you hint its in this very forum <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Peace through superior firepower.