i am new to freelancer need help with mods

  • After you install the mod manager and start it up you'll notice that there are some mods already included. Pick one and click on activate, now start Freelancer, you can start Freelancer with the mod manager if you want too.
    If you don't like any of the included mods look in the mods download section and if you find one you want to try just double left click on the mod file.
    Example, the file you downloaded is called mymod.zip.flmod
    Double left click on the file and the mod manager will know it's a mod and install it into the mod manager mods folder. Now it will show up in the mod manager screen and you can select it and then activate it and then start Freelancer either the normal way or use the option to start Freelancer in the mod manager.

    Hope I didn't confuse you, if I did come back here and ask any questions you may have.