All Guns, All Stats - Complete Listing ***Spoiler***

  • Oh my bad I just felt terrible for blowing up your tiny drake in my Sabre. Have some more Cardamine. It´s "good" for you. "Mega T,Mega Ta,Mega Tor,Mega Too every time I click it´s $9.95 to you!" -Dana Carvey

  • Flying away!!?? *strange look of denial* I never run away! lol. especially from a drake. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &quot;Mega T,Mega Ta,Mega Tor,Mega Too every time I click it´s $9.95 to you!&quot; -Dana Carvey

  • Gotta question... I gotta hammerhead with 2 adv. flashys and 4 (?) Skyblast b and a firekiss turret. now i wanna buy this nice sigma 19 - ship supporting level 10 weapons - ialready got 2 jades and 2 diamondbacks in my cargo but where can i buy em? pls help me *gg*

    Incoming Missile...Incoming Missile...Incomming Mis...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

  • ok, well. if u dont wanna answer that question - maybe this one: where can i find a level 9 shield??? pls answer! i need the info cause i just started a war against the gmg - and its getting pretty tough... Incoming Missile...Incoming Missile...Incomming Mis...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

    Incoming Missile...Incoming Missile...Incomming Mis...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

  • John, you can find the sheild you want in Omicrons Alpha, Beta, Gamma, &amp; Theta. And also Omega-41. In Theta and Omega-41, they are at Freeports 9 &amp; 5 respectively. In the others, you had better be in bed with the Outcasts (Alpha &amp; Beta-Planet Malta) or the Corsairs (Gamma-Planet Crete). Both of these planets sell lvl 10 ships as well as a lvl 10 shield. Hope that I helped. And by the way, BUMP! &quot;On this ship you are to refer to me as Idiot, not you Captain. I mean... you know what I mean.&quot;

    Ahh... marriage. Love it!!! Just now a year and I look forward to those to come.

  • *bump* (make it sticky) lev 10 fighters sabre - red hessian base, dresden sabre - outcast planet malta, omicron alpha eagle - zoners freeport 9, omicron theta titan - corsair leon (if i´m right) base, omega-41 titan - planet crete, omicron gamma by the eagle and sabre u get a lev 7 graviton shield and with the titan a lev 8 the shield r also buyable on thus bases, on the planets r also lev 10 shields

  • *Bump* It´s slipping again... Come on Tachyon, Wizard, anyone... Stickify this thing! <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> If it wasn´t for the inky blackness of the night you wouldn´t appreciate the brilliance of the stars... <img src=´ ´>

    If it wasn`t for the inky blackness of the night you wouldn`t appreciate the brilliance of the stars... [img=]

  • thanx to u all. im in bed with all the corsairs there are and will buy that titan thing now. i already looted 10 lv 10 weapons like golden blade, jade and so on so ill be fine. lifes gonna be fun as a corsair. another question: where do i get sunslayer torpedoes? thx to all... Incoming Missile...Incoming Missile...Incomming Mis...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

    Incoming Missile...Incoming Missile...Incomming Mis...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

  • back on top... BUMP &quot;On this ship you are to refer to me as Idiot, not you Captain. I mean... you know what I mean.&quot;

    Ahh... marriage. Love it!!! Just now a year and I look forward to those to come.

  • i was and a friend were discussing hispania...i havnt played in like 3 months coz i thought i got as far as i could...just kept doin missions after i did all the big organized missions with juni welllll....i was wanting to know where i could find some class 9 and 10 guns missiles etc. Also where is hispania i was at work when we were discussion it and my friend said there is a way to get to a whole other system and new map...but i dunno...if someone could...please help word to your mother -vanilla ice

  • Oh, BTW what was the Easter Egg turret referred to in the original post??? Live Long and Prosper.

    Live Long and Prosper. [img=]

  • Sunslayeri found in Frankfurt,Bruschal Base,must be friendly with Bunschuh. Level 9 missiles can be found at Omicron Alpha´s Planet Malta (cannonballs,firestalkers) or Omicro Gamma´s Planet Crete. The Hispania is in Omicron Alpha by Planet Malta and pock the Easter Egg turret was &quot;Rowlett´s Revenge&quot; Pheewwww I deserve a break after answering so many questions.... lol <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &quot;Mega T,Mega Ta,Mega Tor,Mega Too every time I click it´s $9.95 to you!&quot; -Dana Carvey

  • *bumb* <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sleepy.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> tired already<img src=smilies/icon_smile_question.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>