Speed & Level Requirements

  • Hey guys, theres a few things I'd like to do with freelancer..
    Firstly, I want to increase the Net worth required to level up, Now I know about ptough.ini - except that doesn't seem to apply to SP Campaign. :cry: I read somewhere that content.dll had to be edited, but i cant find a DLL editor.

    Secondly, I want increase all speeds x2. Specificly (excuse my spelling) the normal speed (80m/s), The speed mod included in the latest stable version of FLMM only alters thrusters and cruise speed.

    Any Ideas/Help/Links that might prove useful will be greatly appreciated!

    PS: Ive Looked through all of the topics under general modding that seemed appropriate to what i would like to do.

    Thanks in advance :)

  • To increase speed you'll need to go and edit the engine_equip.ini. I don't know which ships are in your mod but you'll need to modify all of them. The formula for speed is max_force / linear drag.

    In regards to the increasing net worth. That requires a bit of hex editing. If you know how to do this... let me know and I'll dig around for the offsets that I edited in my mod. adoxa found them and sent them to me awhile back... hopefully I can still find them.

    I hope this helps :)

  • :? HEX? Ah crap, i heard about this stuff on halomods.net (halo modding site)
    Is it very hard to learn HEX? I self taught myself about .ini files, if they are anything alike.

    Thanks for the help :)

    EDIT: Oh and btw, Im modding Vanilla FL, It's pretty much a clean install.

  • I have made a plugin that uses an ini file to set the money required to advance level during the story, so you won't have to muck about with hex, after all. Read the beginning of storylvl.cpp for installation instructions.

  • I think I love you. :o
    Haha thank you both, Much Appreciated.

    Quick Question for you adoxa..

    Ive put storyline.dll into DLLS/BIN
    and storyline.ini into DATA/MISSIONS
    I also edited freelancer.ini...
    [Initial SP DLLs]
    path = ..\dlls\bin
    DLL = Content.dll, GameSupport, HIGHEST
    ; required to operate gates and docks
    ; required to create ships in space
    DLL = Content.dll, SpaceSupport, NORMAL
    DLL = Content.dll, BaseSupport, NORMAL
    DLL = storyline.dll

    Is this how it should be set out in freelancer.ini?
    Also, what do i do with all the other files included in the download?