How do you change the starting credits in SP?

  • Im trying to change the starting credits in SP to afford a little better arsenal for my ship. I've tried one small bit of XML but it didnt work out.

    Ive had fine luck using that method to increase my cruise and thruster speed and assumed it would work on the money, but to no avail.

  • modify the newplayer.fl
    change the starting money
    name = Trent
    rank = 0
    Description = NewPlayer

    money = 500 <<<----Change this value for the one of your choice

  • NewCharacter.ini is only used for multiplayer; newplayer.fl is only used when it creates restart.fl (in your save games folder, "My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer"). Both files are encoded, a decoder is here (command line program). If you're not after a "permanent" solution, try using my Single-Player Command Console, which let's you change your money (amongst many other things).