Form flamers come on in

  • It wouldn´t really mean a whole great lot to you, but the importance of grammar and punctuation are reasonable attacks on a person. Hell you can fail a term paper in colledge for not quoting 2 words from a person. IT IS important. The sooner people realize this the easier it will be to resume your life. When faced with the grammar police it would be more beneficial to say something like, "thank you for correcting my error", rather than. "OMG UR ST0PID, NO 1 C4RES IF ETS SPILLED WRITE~!" Edited by - Voice_of_Logic on 15-06-2003 10:15:12

  • *edited by Voice_of_Logic...* Don´t tell me you had to go back and fix some grammar mistakes? You misspelled ´beneficial´, by the way. -Crunchodile in general *EDIT* "thank you for correction my error" sounds rather ungrammatical too, wouldn´t you say? Edited by - Crunchodile- on 15-06-2003 10:08:46

  • See look I went and fixed it. How hard was that? *edit* btw if you want to be my personal proof reader go ahead. I make many mistakes so it should be pretty easy. It´s like my own personal spell checker, that talks back to me, woweee~! Edited by - Voice_of_Logic on 15-06-2003 10:19:26

  • i wonder if this thought ever washed over your mind, some of us may acctuly not be in colledge!! *GASP* correcting people spelling is just a flamers way of finding faughlts correct this ief U heav prooblems wit otheers spealing keap iT too uorself

  • Proper grammer is important in all walks of life. Whether or not you are in college is irrelevant. You should take pride in what you type. It is an extension of who you are and a representation of your intelligence. If you have problems with people correcting your spelling/grammer, then keep it to yourself. I, or anyone else, am not responsible for your laziness. If you do not like people to complain about your spelling/grammer, do something about it. Edit - Yes, I am correcting mistakes. Eat a beaver, save a tree. Edited by - Talman on 15-06-2003 21:37:24

  • eye dont no wye pepole sae that none can spel hear. eye nevr sen anione ho had bad gramer own thees forms. If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that my idea for melting down coins to make a giant robotic parrot was a bad idea, I would have one kicka$$ giant robotic parrot.

    If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that my idea for melting down coins to make a giant robotic parrot was a bad idea, I would have one kicka$$ giant robotic parrot.

  • Dealing with criticism is a part of life also. The more a person gets used to it, the less stressed and angry they will become. It is also kind of ironic, your criticizing people who criticize you.

  • most of you fail to realize in your tight, secure, suburban worlds that many people are also foreign of which english is at best a secondary language if it is at all. so let up on the grammar/spelling flames, it has always been a peeve of mine... if you can read it and understand it in its context, then why bitch about it?

  • I knew this would come up. This game, and this community, is predominately english speaking. It is expected of everyone who wants to participate in this community to speak english. If this community was German-based, it would be expected of everyone to speak proper German, would it not? Why should it be any different for english? Is it because us evil Americans speak it? Speaking of peeves, a big one for me is waddling through a 6+ line post with only a comma used as puncuation, no capitalizations, and no complete sentences. Since it is a peeve of mine, I will bitch about it (as you seem to bitch about us that like to read proper english). Edited by - Talman on 16-06-2003 08:04:37

  • According to my experience on 2+ years I´ve been here, the lame typists came mostly from UK and US. Australians, Germans, Dutch, New Zealanders, Singaporeans etc speak moderate, if not good, proper English. There are exceptions here and there, but mostly that´s the rule. How ironic. Not saying the British and Americans are all bad linguists, but the proportions of their bad English speakers compared to other non-native bad English speakers are quite astonishingly high.

    Kusari Pizza Delivery: Whether it`s raining Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums, or Pirates - we deliver in under 30 minutes - or we commit seppuku....

  • Very OT for this forum and a topic I do dislike... So *Click* from me - a non-native English-speaker/typer with my own share of faults in grammar... <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Best Regards Christian &quot;Bargib&quot; Koerner Editor in Chief, <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>The Lancers Reactor</a>