Is there a Blackhole in Freelancer

  • Well, If you´ve played the campaign through, you would have seen two anomalies on base which you and Juni hid on after mission four´s start, and another on the abandoned station that You, Sinclair and Juni hide on after leaving planet Sprague. They aren´t black holes though. EXTRA FOR EXPERTS: Is Planet Sprague´s Docking Ring still there if you use a No-Storyline mod ? ---------------------------------------- "Snake ,we are not tools of the government or anyone else, fighting was the only thing I was good at , but at least I always fought for what I believed in" - Grey Fox ----------------------------------------

  • Just like Benford Station, the Sprague docking ring is gone. To bad. Edit: Damn spelling. Daft Vader - I am your father. sS - Noooooooo! I demand a DNA-test. --------------------------------------------------------------- It´s better to chase a rabbit then to catch a hare...

  • There´s nothing on Planet Sprague, it´s as empty as Alaska except you can´t dock. <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>there is apparently a widespread myth among users that &quot;spamming&quot; is what happens when you dump cans of Spam into a revolving fan. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2>

  • ok ill say this again (i lost count at 14 times that i have said it) THere is a blackhole in freelancer. It was going to be a part of freelancers story line but the producers or whatever changed their minds and the blackhole was never finished and it is in a system buryed in freelancers directory and it was never done. i once saw a pick of a rhino going in to one in the origional storyline but as i said that was abandoned and it was cut off from all systems. It isnt shown even in Freelancer Explorer (Map editor for Freelancer) it was going to be an omega system i believe. (?:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancerDatasolarlackhole) look in there so i can prove my point and explination. SpAz


  • also i have decryped the file &quot;Omega13.ini&quot; And it says: [TexturePanels file = solarlackholehshapes.ini file = solar
    ingsshapes.ini [Sound ambient = blackhole_far, blackhole_near [Exterior shape = blackholering opacity = 0.600000 thickness_edge = 0.900000 fade_range = 2400, 400 ball_scale = 0.500000 flash = bhflash flash_radius = 260 flash_size = 70 spin = 0.060000 [FadeChunks num = 600 fade_range = 2400, 1000, 500, 200 shape = lava_chunk size = 40, 80 color = 255, 255, 255 thickness = 50 [CloseChunks num = 100 fade_range = 800, 400 shape = lava_chunk2 size = 2, 8 color = 40, 40, 40 thickness = 250 [Clouds max_distance = 240 puff_density = 0.600000 puff_cloud_size = 1 puff_colora = 90, 90, 90 puff_shape = lava_wisp1 puff_shape = lava_wisp2 puff_shape = lava_wisp3 puff_shape = lava_wisp4 puff_weights = 1, 1, 1, 2 puff_particles = 3 puff_size = 15 puff_drift = 0 puff_opacity = 1.000000 [Fog opacity = 0.500000 color = 80, 30, 30 BHSHAPES.INI is: [Texture file = solarlackholelackhole.txm name = blackholering [Shape name = blackholering x = 0 y = 0 w = 256 h = 256 [Shape name = bh_chunk x = 0 y = 0 w = 128 h = 128 [Texture file = solarlackholelackhole.txm name = bhflash [Shape name = bhflash And blackhole.txm is: too complicated...tere ya go later SpAz


  • Um, actually... I think there are LOTS of black holes in Freelancer. Every Jump Hole is a wormhole, which is a type of black hole (I *think* that´s what the development team was trying to make us believe) Anyway, for all you physics geeks out there, you should know that the only natural objects known to man in space that could transport you from one space to another by just travelling through a short tunnel is a wormhole. A wormhole is so strong that it makes a tear in space-time and opens it somewhere else far, far away. The only problem is, scientists have yet to develop a method to travel through a wormhole without being crushed by its powerful gravity. (There is a theory that you must generate something called &quot;Antigravity&quot; in order for the wormhole´s tunnel to open up wide enough for you) And another thing, when in the single player mode, there was one mission where you were escorting Sinclair away ( I can´t remember which one ) She said &quot;Oh! We´re in luck! That jump hole just happens to be phase-alligned&quot; Phase alligned is a term that is used for wormholes. A wormhole´s tunnel is constantly opening and closing. When it´s phase alligned, it means the wormhole´s tunnel has opened. If it´s not phase alligned, its tunnel is closed and you cant get through. The only thing that makes jump holes *not* wormholes is that the development team didn´t program in the gravity factor and you don´t get sucked into wormholes like you´re supposed to. But then again, there´s no gravity anywhere in the Freelancer universe anyway. Also, wormholes are not supposed to have flashy colours, they´re supposed to be all black. If these jumpholes aren´t appealing enough to you as black holes, then go and visit that Neutron star in one of those omega systems (um... was it Omega-11??? I forget)

  • it was omega 41 and yeah i guess you could think of jump holes as blackholes but i dont think thats what they were trying to do. There was going to be a giant black hole in Omega13 (Which u cant get to anymore) and a storyline where they go back to the sol system to find it destoryed. but the people didnt want that one anymore and instead of just deleting the folder they were lazy and left it there. There ya go


  • Unknown : Wormholes aren´t black holes, per se. Black holes lead absolutely nowhere; they´re more properly classified as &quot;Black dents&quot; in the fabric of space, caused by massive amounts of gravity dislocation. Also, even if you could force your

  • Papa_MegaMan : .......................................... Black holes lead absolutely nowhere .......................................... correct me if im wrong, but i thought there was a theory flying around that black holes were connected to theo

    There is light at the end of the tunnel, i just never see it!

  • And I was always wondering that what happens to the matters that went into blackhole; all indication says that it disappeared. But from my chemistry class that I learned that mass cannot be created or destroyed but can be altered, which means that if you burn a paper then the ashes that is lefts are no longer the original elements that makes up it, but turns into other set elements. But what about matters that entered a black hole? I don´t think is gone, so there must be a exit to the hole or that inside the blackhole mass can be reduces millions of times small then before so it just remains inside the hole? Or is there a exit such as a whitehole to let the matter out.

  • I used to watch star trek, and they showed a wormhole as being invisible until you enter, at which point is is blue (even to those not using it), but I think that was just for effect so it didn´t look like anyone simply dissapearing. As for black holes, no-one REALLY knows exactly what ablack hole is, they only suspect they exist. There was a simpson´s episode where it became a black hole from the cartoon universe to reality (technically a wormhole). I think Stepohen Hawking describes a black hole as a star that as imploded to the point where it drags everything nearby into it (which surely means that eventually the universe will be sucked into one). There are thought to be a few (yes, more than zero - eek!) in our own solar system - then again, they are only thought to be small. Astronemers believe there are some absolutely huge ones elsewhere though. As for the Freelancer Universe, it would be close to implausible to actually have such a phenonema as the system are extremely small (for playabaility reasons) and that a true blackhole would easily suck the whole system up. Just me two cents worth (or is it pence?) As a freelancer one encounters some strange stuff - in the the end, however, you always remain the strangest thing you are ware of.

  • if you want to look at something that represents a black hole go to omicron alpha (the system containing Malta) and make sure ure friendly with the outcasts! look around a bit and you´ll see it towards the hispania wreck. its not much but its an ok representation! (can´t put pic on coz im a stupid newbie! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>)

    There is light at the end of the tunnel, i just never see it!

  • Well, when we are talking about Freelancer then forget about the saying that its not realistic to put black hole in the game, well the whole game is unrealistic, if at the real distant the way the planets and stars are packed to close to each other in then game then everything will be instantly rush up together by their own gravities and why the planets are so small. But that’s ok I love Freelancer not because the game is suppose to be a realistic representation of universe but the game´s action pack of fun, so it really doesn´t matter. I want to talk about the real blackhole, its true until now we have not discovered a blackhole for sure in the universes, blackhole is almost invisible since everything gets close to it will be suck in (including light), but we can be sure there are blackholes because of the math calculation and since blackholes generates enormous amount of gravity so it effect near by star system, and from this we can be sure there is blackholes out there because we have found about six or seven star´s behaviors that can only be describe by having a nearby blackhole effecting it. The birth of a blackhole is from a really massive sun, about thousands times larger then our sun. When our sun dies out because it has burned all of its Hydrogen and convert it all into Helium (or the other way around, I forget), so it can no longer support its own gravity and eventually it clasps into a really dense and small dwarf (I’m skipping all the steps such as Red Giant to nova) and then it will stop, by now all the electrons and neutrons in the dwarf will be no longer follow the law of earth physics and it will be all pack together because of the gravity. For a much larger sun it doesn´t stop there, the gravity it generates are so great so it keeps going until everything clasps but there is no limits to it, so it just keep clasping forever and if any nearby mass or energy came close to it, they will all be suck in by the gravity. And this is what we call a blackhole. (If I’m wrong please correct me) But I’m thinking what happens to the matters that got sucked in to the black hole?

  • someone else said that matter cannot be destroyed or created according to a law in chemistry. As for matter going into a black hole there are two things that could happen, we do not know. First the matter could be compressed infinitely small and infinitely dense, (but scientists don´t like infinites) or that black holes are information destroyers and everything that goes in is destroyed. That goes against chemistry but that is what i was taught. but we don´t know!! (can´t believe i remebered that! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> pls feel free to correct me)

    There is light at the end of the tunnel, i just never see it!

  • Well you know I hate to sound like a Free Thinker, But: Although at the moment it is thus far PROVEN that Matter can be neither created now destroyed, all these factors were simulated, tested, thought up, and calculated in an environment of our own. When you add in the theory of a Black Hole, you change everything. This isn´t 5 hammers hitting bottlecap at 5 different angles all at the same time, this is the Gravitational force of a Star times some really sick amount. IN space with something this powerful, all the Laws of Nature stop applying. Ok, maybe not all, but a large ammoutn can certainly &quot;disappear&quot; So just remember that, Im sure a black hole with enough force could MAKe the matter disappear in some sense´s.