• At a guess I would say that it´s hardcoded into the application itself - engines are a pretty major thing. Also I´ve never seen any property line in an ini "sellable = false" or something similar "A good pun is its own reword"

  • good call darkstone.. theres buyable false but as far as I know engines cannot be sold. So, be very particular before buying an engine and think ahead. And to fix the drain you only need buy a fusion injector. Most drains will be countered with the 9k$ mk1. Some may require more later in the game. Also upgrading the powerplant is a good idea. but be careful because some powerplants are better of stock untill you can afford the Upgrade Power mk 3-5 (very expensive, but worth it). I always buy the mk5 early on if possible, then transfer to any ship I buy from there on (unless you have a balnister power plant that is). Chibi

  • One of the cheap things you can do later in the game is buy the Javelin or Tempest, then buy a regular ship and keep the powerplant. IIRC they´re better than even the Upgrade powerplants. "A good pun is its own reword"

  • But do they take up cargo space? You´d think that a capship´s pwrplnt would be quite large, for cargo space isn´t too limited in most capships. I would think (but I certainly could be wrong) that a capship´s pwrplant would take up the majority of a fighter´s cargo space. just wonderin´

  • I would think so; I just recently had a Sabre XR w/an Upgrade Powerplant MkIV, and it took little space (relatively speaking) in the Sabre XR. However, it left only 5 spaces open in the hold when i bought a Ghost. So I just figured that the mounting the powerplant of a capship on any fighter would be a significant, uh, magnification of this instance. (couldn´t think of a better way of saying that)

  • Aside from that... would you spend 33 million on the best powerplant... (balnister which comes in the leviathan and democles package) That seems crazy to me. And its not needed because the upgrade mk5 is only 1.5 mill and can readily supply most average weapon combinations on any VHF (unless you mount Capship weapons). But if not the bigger VHF´s have plenty of shield accessory slots to fill with the fusion injector mk5s to keep energy full (even with a few capship weapons mounted). Chibi

  • Since you mentioned Fusion Injectors, I have a question. The Fusion Injector Mk 5 says it supplies an extra 240 units of energy/sec, while the Fusion Injector Mk 4 says that it (the FI Mk 4) supplies 390 extra units/sec. Does the Mk 4 provide more energy like its infocard says, or does the the Mk 5 and its infocard is just off?

  • capship powers take up 300(T), 400(J), 500(B/D) cargo space. To my knowledge, injector´s info cars is just one of the not yet fixed bugs. (MD, here is another, the engine of the longsword bomber, its Fujikava engines, and the infocard only says &quot;Edinborough&quot<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> edit: as far as i know, engines are not sellable, because it´s hardcoded in the FL exe. Edited by - lukr on 3/6/2004 10:34:55 AM

  • Lukr, yes, your fully correct, the mk5 is the superior I have personally checked the ini file and the info cards simply have typos. But, the value of energy for the mk4 is in fact -240 and the mk5 has value of -390. In other words the mk5 is the best fusion injector regardless of what the typos on your screen may show. Chibi