Those 6 numbers.

  • Yes, and yes. The first DLL, resources.dll, goes from 0 to 65536 - which is everything from 1 to 5 characters in length. Similarly, the more DLL´s you add the higher the IDS will become, so the 50th DLL would have IDS values with about 9 or 10 digits. Not sure I understand the importance of having different length numbers though, they do the same thing whatever length they are... <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • To my knowledge, Freelancer will only recognize 9 dll´s. The game comes with 6, so you can only add three more, unless someone changes something I don´t know how to change... perhaps in the exe file or something. If you know any more about this please post.