Ship mesh Importing Problem

  • Left - the original obj...
    Right the generated sur reimported, the bounding box later is almost identical to the hull layer


    Terror Trooper #666

    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...

  • So, does anybody remember how you hex edit a sur to set the correct ship mass for anti spin etc.

    I told you, use SurDump and the -o option. For example:

    At hex offset 44, you'll find three floats (aka single) containing the inertia values (surs don't have mass).

  • I'm missing your point here, what are those images supposed to prove? Have you tried it in game? If the sur was shrink wrapped, you wouldn't be able to fly through sections, you would simply bounce off. Only way round that in the case of say a base model is to use the phantom physics command. The OBJ->SUR converter makes form fitting surs, end of.

    Here's proof. If you don't know how to use the converter, then follow the tutorial i put up but please stop saying it makes shrink wrapped surs because it doesn't. Everyone else is making form fitting surs with this utility, you are just misunderstanding what you are seeing.

    Videos to prove my point.

    - ‪Kanal von Wargibbon‬‏

    - ‪Kanal von Wargibbon‬‏

  • I'm missing your point here, what are those images supposed to prove?

    LEFT - form fitted obj file, note fore deck, tower, aft deck - fitted
    RIGHT - sur mesh generated - tents over the structure - NOT fitted


    Have you tried it in game?

    Yes, non-fitted sur


    If the sur was shrink wrapped, you wouldn't be able to fly through sections, you would simply bounce off.

    That's what happens...


    Only way round that in the case of say a base model is to use the phantom physics command.

    I'm sure your right


    ...Here's proof. If you don't know how to use the converter, then follow the tutorial i put up but please stop saying it makes shrink wrapped surs because it doesn't. Everyone else is making form fitting surs with this utility, you are just misunderstanding what you are seeing.

    In fact, I've read SEVERAL tutorials about this ulility, on your forum, here, and even that other place, the one pretending to be here, that we dont mention...

    I'm sure it CAN make form fitting sutrs, with care in the hands of an expert, all I said was "I'm tired of messing with thisas I have other stuff to work on, its close enough for this ship that it will do".

    I understand what I see just fine, thank you very much.

    Enough. Problem Solved. Move along, nothing to see here...


    Terror Trooper #666

    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...