A Conversation with My Cat...

  • recently I discovered that one of our cats could talk. He can speak very clear words and phrases in English, which I hadn't noticed before. It also transpires that he takes an interest in international politics, after he recognised Barack Obama.

    me: hello Sushi
    Sushi (green stripey cat): Obama!
    me: what did you say?
    Sushi: Obama!
    me: did you just say "Obama"?
    Sushi: yo
    me: do you like Obama?
    Sushi: yo
    me: would you vote for Obama?
    Sushi: yo
    me: sorry Soosh but you can't vote for him
    Sushi: how?
    me: 1, you're a cat
    Sushi: nooo
    me: 2, you're not American
    Sushi: oh
    me: and 3, the election was in November
    Sushi: oooooooo
    me: so what are you going to do about that, eh?
    Sushi: out now!
    me: why do want to go outside, Soosh?
    Sushi: prowl out now

    (I don't suppose you'll believe me that he can turn a computer on and off as well, use a tv remote control, and call Mrs Taw's mum on the 'phone. The others have a whole range of other strange feline talents....)

  • Sounds like you need to loosen up the towel a bit. It's cutting off the circulation to the brain. ;)

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • Sad -- its just Sad -- The Rabbit obsessed Mullah having imaginary conversations with his Cat -- old age and dementia kicking in -- next its having Mrs Taw shipping him off to Hospital -- where he can carry on talking to all his other imaginary friends -- Sad

    Cotidie damnatur qui semper timet - The man who is constantly in fear is every day condemned. (Syrus)

  • Hey well Mr. Ed would know! Besides Dr. Dolittle what else did the cat say, you should ask him what he thinks of the economy, maybe a long ooooooooooooooooooooooo!


  • I think you'll find that I did use "he" several times; Sushi would be most offended if he knew that you were unsure of his gender.

    He's particularly fond of shellfish as a snack...

  • My cousins the mocking birds, are fond of dive-bombing cats. They would have a delightful time with yours. ;)

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • he is actually pretty bad with birds - two wood-pigeons and a magpie once chased him into the house and he didn't dare go out for two weeks after. His sister is a real bird-killer, though, she'll down several week in summer and she often wipes out entire families. Sushi sticks to mice and rats, he's got a good tally of those. And frogs. The kids used to keep a scoreboard in the kitchen of the stuff the cats killed, with different point values per type and size of prey and its respective value based on whether it was vermin or not.

  • they're only allowed to watch the BBC and Al-Jazeera!

    they do like nature programmes, and football* strangely enough. It's not unusual to see three or four of them sat in front of the telly when there's a match on. bizarre animals. They get very excited when someone scores, although I haven't figured out whom they support yet (it had better not be Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea or Arsenal cos I hate those. Or Port Vale cos that would be stupid and I'd have to give them up to the Cats Rescue Home.)

    ("soccer" - for the benefit of colonials)

  • isn't Indian stickball actually lacrosse? I thought that you had to wear chunky sweaters with maple leaves on them and have a pet moose to play lacrosse.....

  • no no sweaters no moose thats way up north, they play those silly games,Indian stick ball uses two sticks that have a small loop in the end of the sticks that has a sinew web in the loop the ball is hand made leather ball about the size of golf ball, another stupid game, the ball cannot touch the ground it is carried buy the sticks,and you don't carry the ball you have to toss it to some one else on your team and to score,must be thrown through a hoop thats ten feet off the ground the hoop is about six inches across,there are no pads or helmets just shorts or in the old days breechcloth can have up to ten or twelve players to a team ,these ball sticks are about three feet long and twice as thick as a broom handle,and are made from osage orange wood or hickory,it's sort of like a wresting match and a gang fight all at the same time,i guess thats the best way to explain it , a lot of fun. maybe later i'll tell you about Indian football :)

  • Quote from "Knife`"

    restrict cat to only 1hour of CNN daily.

    He would be afraid to sleep,cats have a way of getting revenge :mrgreen:

    Me and some of my people using our small but powerful telescope (duct taped to a pine tree on the top of skunk cabbage hill) have veiwed this and come to the understanding after careful observation that this is in fact,the port thruster gone awry on taws freighter,the good ship sandtrap photo taken with our up date 1.5 pixel camera also duct taped to scope he being in stealth mode thinks we don't see him [attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->Leeds Freighter.JPG<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]

  • it's not that good, I haven't got any glass in mine and I can't even afford rust for paint. it's the Bretonian Govt's Space Tax and the cost of afterburner fuel, it's crippling me. Bl**dy Gordon Broon.