jump hole nickname, number etc...

  • does anyone have a list of the jumpgate/holes there number and what system they go to Like Lo1(somthing like that) to L02

    I'm working on a mod where I need this information to get somthing to work(I'll tell everyone later what it does once I've finished)

  • Generally speaking, jump gates are nicknamed FROM_to_TO and holes are FROM_to_TO_hole, where FROM and TO are the system nicknames. Search the DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEM\*\*.ini files to find them. A number of options are available to translate nicknames to strings, some of which are on my site.

  • I mean I need to know the real names of systems along with their the terms that are used in FLexplorer for starspheres Like Li01(new york?) that way I can find out the number code for the jumpgate/hole from system "a" to system "b"(just an example) I have the ini files readable I just can't find this information in them.

  • I'm not sure what you want. For example, the vanilla New York to Texas jump hole is: nickname = Li01_to_Li04_hole; ids_name = 260916. You could use FLStat to look up Li01 and Li04 (sort by "System Nickname" on the Bases tab) and my StrID program to convert the number to a string (but it usually won't work with ids_info entries). Maybe you need an FLexplorer user to help you...

  • If he's using FLExplorer he should already have it - when you move the mouse over a system you see the name under the cursor and the nickname in the caption. But don't ask my anything else about FLExplorer, I don't use it... Though I guess that's not much help if you don't know where the system is, or just have the nickname, in which case FLStat can provide one from the other (provided the mod is installed), by sorting the appropriate column and looking at the other.

  • Try FL Companion for an easy way of translating between in game names and code nicknames

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://wiz0u.free.fr/prog/flc/">http://wiz0u.free.fr/prog/flc/</a><!-- m -->

    the default setting displays in game names for systems and bases but if you click on the settings button it will display nicknames as well


  • nevermind

    I found what I needed on adoxa's site there was a list of the systems and thier names and nicknames then I looked in the initialworld file for the jumpgate/hole codes.

  • Ah, you wanted the hash code! If you had've mentioned initialworld in the first place... I do have a program that generates the hash, but I never released it. I also have a list of every nickname, all 25567 of 'em (1.3MB). That doesn't include the audio "msg" ones (3268 of those). If anyone's interested...

  • yes I'm interested that's exactly what I need could you please post the list(or a link to it) that could help a lot. Later I'll post information on my mod-project in another section once I finish typing it up(40+/- pages or so of information on the world so far).

  • Actually, I think I might update the program, making it read the nicknames directly from the files. I'll also add an option to generate the "location" hashes used by the save games.

  • that would be even better because that would help with the new systems I am planning on paper and thier jump gates/holes.

    right now I am looking through the ini's for each system and writing the hashes down for jump gates/holes for each system which is notoriusly slow. I repeat does anyone have a list somwhere of these hashes.