Dock camping! (Screenshot enclosed)

  • I had managed to get enough credits to buy and outfit a Sabre, all I wanted to do was make enough on missions to get class 10 shields, I made the mistake of going to planet Crete on a previous day, so on the 14th when I´m trying to leave I get waylayed by a bunch of NEO´s dock camping the planet. They were demanding credits and attacking anyone who wouldn´t pay. That´s not cool, it´s pure B.S. What a bunch of cowards. As a result I quit playing on Elite and deleted my character there. I´ll play on other servers or where TE has a presence. My recommendation to everyone is boycott Elite server, if the NEOs want to control it let them have it. Maybe if the admin sees that there´s no-one else there but fricken NEOs they´ll rethink what they´re allowing to happen.

  • i would just like to mention something, if you dont want to be pked, dont leave newyork, most server dont allow pking there, if you cant handle other players, then dont joing a server that allows others to kill eachother, that way your happy and non of the servers get screweb because one person dosent like the pvp thing, ive been hunted befor, just fly into a nebula evading there shots by zigzaging, dark matter clouds the best.

  • I do not dock-camp. I do not endorse it, although the following may seem contradictory. While I don´t endorse it, I do endorse freelancers´ *right* to dock-camp. But I have to define what I mean when I use the term. There are two kinds of "rights." The first kind is a sentient abstraction, made up by humans when they, for example, bestow LSF personnel, both NPC and otherwise, to engage drug and artifact smugglers, rogues, rogue freelancers and so on; likewise this first kind is what bestows the right on Nomads to protect the property of their makers as they see fit, regardless of the living or deceased status of their progenitors. It is the right of the police officer to engage the speeder or dealer, or the man shower-camping Mike Tyson, as was the example given earlier in this thread. But I speak of the second kind of "right." The right of natural law, being the most formidable right as human (or alien) efforts to date have rarely swayed their allowances or alliances. It is immoral and deeply insincere of me to shower-camp Mike Tyson - as well as many other people - with a baseball bat, but the laws of the universe have bestowed upon me the *right* to do so if I choose. There are no server administrators who will stop me. Dock-campers, lane-hackers are akin to camping snipers in real-life wars. They are a reality because reality permits them and their actions to exist. Server administrators must grapple over whether dock-camping is an unnatural misuse of game-mechanics or whether it´s a natural game-centric challenge which should be met by players who are willing and determined to bestow upon themselves the right to engage the dock-campers and bring them to justice. After all, there is no doubt in my mind that when, in our future - in real, offline life - space docks and space-faring fighter-craft become a reality… There *will* be dock-campers. While it´s a malicious, underhanded threat, it is a realistic threat; logically, this is the responsibility of law-abiding, law-enforcing players to handle. Not administrators. And if we should have administrators remove this challenge now, what then, next? Should we then begin demanding a game-experience with no life-endangering challenges altogether? I´m a resident pirate in the Alpha Centauri 2 server. I have never been dock-camped. I pay attention to the news here on the boards and in-game open radio chat, and avoid the sectors that fleets like Voice have laid claim to. Staying informed about the systems you play in is a necessity in this game. - Proteus

  • Pking is not the issue, what is at issue is 4 or more fully equipped VHFs that stake out a dock, demand credits and destroy anyone who doesn´t comply, usually while the victims are still in transit, are not yet able to control their ships and have no possibility of defending themselves, that´s not honorable battle, that´s cowardice in it´s purest form. The only reason why these tollers have these expensive ships is because they´ve extorted the credits to pay for them from players who´ve played the game legitimately. Although this sort of situation can and does occur in the real world, this is a game, it´s supposed to fun, but there´s nothing fun about being robbed by a bunch of gangsters.

  • "While it´s a malicious, underhanded threat, it is a realistic threat; logically, this is the responsibility of law-abiding, law-enforcing players to handle." The folks that designed FL created a sucky game because there is nothing built-in to counter players who abuse others. There´s no in-game incentive to be a lawman or a bounty-hunter. As someone else said, this wouldn´t be a problem if MS and DA showed the slightest bit of vision and made FL a persistant MMOG world. As it is there is no middle ground. You either get to play an updated Diablo where ****s can cut your ear off and take your stuff, or you can play in a sugar-coated world where humans can´t hurt other humans. Such potential lost! And as someone else mentioned, the abuse has, does, and will continue to drive players away. I´m one of them. I loved FL during single player. I started to like FL multiplayer. Then some **** destroyed hours of my work by PKing me in New York (Lost my cargo and was left with no money). I´ve tried organizing, I´ve tried hiring escorts. The only thing advertising seems to do is clue the ****s in to the fact that I´m carrying cargo and what route they can expect me to take. If only I had all day long to build up my characters to the point of having infinite resources, then maybe I could defend myself. If only I were willing to beg other players for money, maybe I could afford to buy a better ship. Unfortunately, FL penalizes honest, hard work. So, I´ll invest the little online time I have in better balanced games. - Silent Jay

  • I just find that picture and his story funny as hell lol <img src=´ ´><img src=´ ´><b>Heretic </b> <img src=´ ´><img src=´ ´> &quot;He would make a lovely corpse.&quot; - Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

  • This reminds me of the time i was helping a newb get some creds by showing him some trade routes... Im wating for the noob too come out and a guy in a Eagle is waiting next to me im thinking he waiting to enter the base, the newb exits the station and shouts out over the system channel no i dont have 1 million credits and is blown up before he even leaves the airlock... i target the guy and start shooting him, i eventualy kill the guy in my Banshee and he said i was a cheat/hacker so i just kept hunting him down till he left the server was so funny

    ____________________ Magmus Tyrel: Cardamine Smuggler "If you see a Dromedary running away from some house police, just wave you`ll know its me"

  • Well simply saying freighters is too vague.. its his error. As for all this recent &quot;stuff&quot;, I say, you wanna do something about it, take the way to them. I´ll tell you how to get a doc camper, his man pulls a knife, your man pulls a gun, he puts your man in the hospital, you put his man in the morge, thats how you get a dock camper. lol... Sorry, Untouchables Quote. Ya, if you wanna do something about it, than declare a Jihad on them....

  • &quot;blah blah´s just a game Some of you take it WAY to seriously. Maybe you should stick to solitar and mine sweeper.&quot; I have to agree with you there bri_dog. it is a game people. and if some group of losers are dock camping, why not just leave the server and do somthing in real life? It may be hard for some of you to grasp but, there is a life beyond computers.

  • Remember, you all have the right to kick ass, you don´t like something, kick the ass you dont like, something someone´s doing is pissing you off, go kick some people doing things that get me pissed off ass. and if you feel like starting a fight to get things interesting, you guessed it: kick ass! The supreme law enforcement is action! ah jeez, is the sensor supposed to not be taking affect, and i appologize to every1 for the content, i guess &lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt; Stop where you are!!! General Fang leader of clan FMM Edited by - djscratchman on 17-06-2003 20:49:17

    [img=][img=][img=] and you were expecting a fight scene or something?

  • why do i not whine about dock camping? because no one can dock camp me. because there is a trick i have already posted a thread about. If you can´t figure it out don´t complain. Crunch deserved what ever he got and i can see most people responding to this thread did not take the time to even read half the posts here and are making an assumption crunch is completely innocent.

  • All those voices are in your head mang. <img src=´ ´><img src=´ ´><b>Heretic </b> <img src=´ ´><img src=´ ´> &quot;He would make a lovely corpse.&quot; - Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

  • PvP is a vibrant and enjoyable part of the game. However, an exploit is not only a description for a cheat, it is also a description for an abuse of the rules-set of a game. A case in point: In the old Quake Team Fortress (if anyone remembers it) you could essentially stall an entire team to a standstill by joining their side, and building an automatic turret (sentry gun) in the doorway of their spawn room. The players were then unable to exit their spawn room to join the fight outside, and were forced to attempt suicide until they appeared in another room. You weren´t using a hack, or a cheat, or a mod. You were simply abusing a flaw in the system. This is no different than cheating, and on most, if not all servers, was a bannable offence. By the same token, I don´t believe that there is any justification for dock camping. If the player deserves to get killed, then give them 5 seconds to escape the dock, and then kill them. It amounts to the same thing, but they then have a fighting chance, which for play balance, is absolutely essential. If you are a hack moderator (defacto) then you really should be enforcing clean play, not participating in grudge abuses of the system. Shooting a player before they have a chance to fight back is essentially as aprehensible as cheating. It is an exploit of the rules system.

  • I´d go out using a sunslayer and ripper mine and maybe even rockets to go on a suicide mission to kill damn dock does work and their reactions are so fun when all 2/3 dockcampers die due to the fact that they &quot;missed&quot; the incoming sunslayer,cannonballs and ripper mine :p

  • Tasiin Wrote: <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Whiners. I can´t believe some of you people, you act like dock camping is the end of the world. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> And what the **** geve you the power to ruin other´s gameply to boost yours? Goddamn e-thugger. ____________ Server: &quot;Battleship Wars (TNG 1.59 Req.)&quot; Required Files: <A href=´;d_op=getit&amp;lid=22´ Target=_Blank>TNG 1.59 Mod</a>, <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>FLMM 1.2</a> E-Mail me at &quot;; for any questions or suggestions. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    [img= ]