24/7 Seattle Based BEWARE

  • Genedefect, I know this takes some time and is probably a stupid idea because it would require extra needless effort, but instead of deleting names you could post thenames in a thread. In the server news, refer players to the thread. You can update the name list by editing the first post, rather than adding a new post. That way players can just look at the first post to see if their name is on the list. They can also ask for approval for names in that thread. Periodically, you should delete the names that have already been warned in the thread, if they have not already been deleted. Maybe weekly or every 2 days. If their aren´t that many offenders, it shouldn´t take too much time. Also, it may even decrease the amount of offenders, since it would draw their attention to the rule even more. Maybe less people would be pissed off and it would definately give you more ammo against complainers. I don´t know if you do this, but you can also change the password occassionally to keep people reading the server news. Regulator Edit The reason for this is that the rule can sometimes be unclear. You said that some names do have numbers in them, even asside from ranks. Therefore, 0bSiDe0 could be presumed to be an ok name. If the name is obviously stupid, then just delete it. But for borderline names, give some courtesy. You could also do this only for names that are above rank 10 or 15 or so. It is the loss of all the stuff and playing time that is hurtful. It would be nice if you were sensitive to that fact. Edited by - Regulator on 30-07-2003 22:52:04

  • No problem about the long posts. I actually like your ideas but sadly do not have the time to impliment and follow through with them. Once (About 4 months back) I had to take the server offline in order to regain time I needed for work and other personal responsibilites. Yes, I realize that I am probably the strictist admin out there for FLServer. But I provide a different experience for those that are interested. When you play on my server you get names that are 99% of the time, readable. They don´t pull you out of the game mindset to try to comprehend what you are seeing. Not to mention, if you run in lower resolutions, you don´t get your screen scraped by a large amount of capital letters and which can hurt the eyes to see. Most character names that I delete (about 3 a night) I catch before they have passed the first few ranks. It is very rare when it happens otherwise. Also, on several occassions I have seen the person online, referred them to read the rules and change their name accordingly or it would be deleted that night. When I have chance, I do give people a chance. Most of the time I do not have the time to. As for changing the server password, I only do that when I make an alteration to the server news that I believe should be read (almost never) Visit my server 24/7 Seattle Based seattlebased@hotmail.com

  • Actually to be completely politcally correct "As players, we have a right to warn other players that the admin is and or has displayed, in our view, some characteristics, that to some can or may indeed resemble a person or persons, loosely or closely affiliated with certein charactaristics resembling certain political viewpoints and certain behaviour purportedly connected to a political mainstream being in power in Germany during the period 1932-1945 expressing totalitarian rule and disregard for personal expression in religion or racial features while forcing membership in said political party whcih went by the name National Socialist Deutche Arbeiders Party (Nazi for short) just as a side note taking the admins nick name into considderation he would not qualify to be a member of this party <smirk> Edited by - Corwin02 on 31-07-2003 17:56:57

    I know you have to remove the refrigerator door when placing it at the curb , but then the neighbours kid would get away for sure , damn moral dillema`s

  • LoL that´s a good observation Corwin. Ok Stinger you have some very good points, and many that I had not thought of. You are correct to say that my viewpoint is biased towards that of the players, as I am not a freelancer admin, and so I am unable to fundamentaly alter my bias, other than by reading posts such as these. It seems that communication between players and admins can not be assumed. In that case then it doubly behoves us to come to the forums and illustrate the mariad things that can get you banned on a certain server. I would imagine that Gene is 100% in the morale right to do as he does. However, this kind of post arms us (the players) with foreknowledge so that we may maximize our own enjoyment, and behave on various servers as is expected of us. The flaming is kind of an unfortunate side-effect I guess, but really, the number-rules are extremely open to ridicule by their very nature. It´s like walking into a coffee shop and seeing a sign which says "No Red clothing allowed". Presumably you could make an argument that red clothing draws too much attention and threatens the relaxed atmosphere of the cafe, but I´d expect not everyone would be pleased with the rule.

  • **** OFF I am probably more patriotic that the whole bunch of you and here you sit calling me a Nazi? Have you ever run into a burning building to save someone you didn´t know? or just their property? How about standing by a car while it is on fire and could theoretically explode, just to help the public at large? Did you have your lungs permenantly damaged during an apartment fire? How about had to carry dead bodies away from fires, auto accidents, and just plain bad luck. I have fought off the media to stop them from taking pictures of your loved ones that died in an auto accident. I have saved your local businesses. What happens, I get called a ****ing Nazi or even compared to one. When was the last time you gave blood. When was the last time you gave money to the homeless on the street or some random cause. As a side note, my nickname was given to me because I am abnormally outgoing and trying to help people. It has to be some genetic defect, no one does that. I still am outgoing and help people left and right. One day it will probably get me killed. But excuse me if I choose not to be so outgoing with a free server I run. Excuse me if I would rather create a couple of simple rules and let those that can follow just a couple of simple rules play from that point on without issue on my server. Even in our great USofA, we have some rules to abide by. A lot of them are even stricter than my name rules and 10 times more worthless. I should know, I have faught against some and signed petitions against others. What have you done to help preserver our democracy? When was the last time you voted? When was the last time you called a polotician to voice your opinion? When was the last time you actually used your "free speech" for something other than to slam the hell out of someone giving you a free service. Visit my server 24/7 Seattle Based seattlebased@hotmail.com

  • This is turning into a flame war. The comments to Genedefect were unnecessary. Those comments were already stated in this thread and did not need to be repeated. It appears to be an effort to start a flame war, which is not the topic of this thread. StayOnTopic- Please, post this to a pre-existing thread on your topic, or make a new thread only if none exist. This helps make the forum more useful for everyone. Edit in a link to your topic if you would like. Thanks. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - StayOnTopic on 31-07-2003 22:00:27

    StayOnTopic- Please, post this to a pre-existing thread on your topic, or make a new thread only if none exist. This helps make the forum more useful for everyone. Edit in a link to your topic if you would like. Thanks. :)

  • If you read this post, you would see that the arguement has pretty much been settled. Genedefect, expressed his understanding and explained his limitations on time and abilities. Seeing only what we have seen on this forum, one could creatively invent the idea that Genedefect may be a nazi. Those comments were certainly not based on true personal info and only based on the character that he has portrayed here. So Genedefect, try not to get angry, since it is not truely a personal attack against your real-life life, since none of us know anything about it. I think Corwin was primarily making a joke by pointing out the Irony of Genedefect and the genectic perfection that nazi´s were striving for. Incase my wording above is mis-read, my intent is to stop the flame war, and make Genedefect feel less offended by the comment. The topic here has been settled, unless someone has something else worthy of mentioning. Small hurtful comments are not needed and only flood the thread until its purpose is defeated. Please do not ingage in petty flaming here anymore. Regulator

  • Genedefect, LOL. I just noticed what you said about the capital letters. I make fun of people that do that when I see them. I have seen names like GIVEUPTHEGOODS and even longer bigger names than that. I usually say to them, &quot;Move out of the way. I can´t see the planet so I can dock.&quot; Or something to that effect. Regulator

  • I´ve removed my previous long winded reply which I posted after stating I would not reply to this thread any longer. I´m still responding, so my hypocrisy continues on to say: This is way out of control. Everyone please remind themselves of the intent of this thread by reading at top. GD, you may be the most giving person I have never met, tho it must be said that ALL of the most giving ppl I Have met do not toot their own horn about it. It´s a bit contradictory. The opinions (and come on - these guys are not actually calling you a Nazi - why give them the satisfaction of so much anger?) that are displayed here are valid across the board, your own included. No one here is speaking towards your personal actions in the real world but toward your attitude in game and on this forum - that´s it. If there is a distinct diffence between the two worlds, then there is a distinct difference between the two worlds- why bring it up? I myself can´t really fathom how to separate the two, but that´s just me. <b>Reputation </b> does not create itself out of thin air. One more time - many foks here need to show more respect - give it and you´ll get it. (sigh) I need a smoke. &quot;To the last, I grapple with thee...&quot; -Melville

  • Mr. StayOnTopic: I realize the post that I just made was pretty much a watered down version of my original post which ilicited your response - ah well - guess I had to say it. Topics will wander - as long as we do not start a war and everyone is MINDFUL of the original topic and why what you are saying has some bearing on it, all should be well. &quot;To the last, I grapple with thee...&quot; -Melville

  • It appears Regulator and I were typing at the same time. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Cheers man. &quot;To the last, I grapple with thee...&quot; -Melville

  • I think this is a server I should definetly avoid. Too many people get banned because the admin is *too* fast with the ban button. I´ve seen 5 or more threads on this forum where people got banned because they accepted a cash donation or recieved a random possible cheat kick. If the server says: No mods, then I do´t use mods, simple. I´ve been kicked by the server so many times while I wasn´t running a mod that I stopped counting possible cheat kicks. To me, this admin seems to kick/ban a little to fast and doesn´t really want to listen to people who play an honest game.

  • Look lets be honest here THE SURVER ANDMIN IS GOD if his message says follow my rule or be banned fair enough. If you have´nt bothered to read the rules thats your problem. So please STOP WINEING.

  • You know, I can empathize with the people who have been banned for whatever reason be it legit or not, I really can. I can even appreciate them being able to voice their displeasure on a public forum the know the person who banned them visits. I have no problem with people venting, I really dont. Now it´s my turn. I beta tested Freelancer for many hours in 6 months. I feel a sort of kinship with the game and some of the VERY nice testers I met along the way. It was a crushing blow to see our game slammed up on the Warez site 4 days after it went gold. It is ALSO a crushing blow to see a pilot come on to a server and without <b> A N Y </b> regard for the others playing, muck up the entire world of gaming for everyone because they have this cute little proggy that gives them some sort of morphed gawd mode or something. Since I was so involved in the testing of Freelancer I feel compelled to defend it´s design because I was there while it was being built. A flawed mindset? Maybe. It simply bugs the cow dung out of me to see people try to deliberately do something to affect the gaming experience of others. As many complaints as I get from people being banned &quot;unjustly&quot; I get 3 times as many people complaining about their server experience being screwed up by other pilots. What would YOU do about it? Rob &quot;Stinger&quot; Lordier Moderator - <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/´ Target=_Blank> Lancers Reactor </a> Creator <A href=´http://solutions.h1.ru/faq/privater.shtml´ Target=_Blank> Privateer FAQ </a> Webmaster - <A href=´http://www.tournamentcentralgolf.com´ Target=_Blank> My current hobby/project </a> <i> no good deed will ever go unpunished </i> Co-Admin <A href=´http://www.flserver.com´ Target=_Blank> Elite Freelancer Server </a>

  • Oh boo hoo. Guys, just because you´ve opened up a computer to allow people to play FL doesn´t mean that they owe you jack. Fact is, you have placed the machine into the public domain and - whether you like it or not - how you act towards the users is going to be reflected in forums like these; for good or bad. So some guy calls you a Nazi - big deal. Maybe you are, maybe you aren´t. Fact is, if you can´t take the rough with the smooth, unplug the box and go cry elsewhere because ther are plenty of other servers out there - you´ll be missed for ... oh an hour or two or however long it´ll take folks to get a fully loaded Eagle. You want people to kiss your ass for setting up a FL server? Go to a circle **** - you´ll have better luck.

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>You want people to kiss your ass for setting up a FL server? Go to a circle **** - you´ll have better luck. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> Yeah, you bunch of idiots! You actually expect us, the gaming public, to thank you for providing a place for us to play? Get real, you dim-wits. We don´t owe you jack. Furthermore, we reserve the right to get on any platform we can find to complain about, insult, and degrade your server anytime we wish for whatever pathetic and/or insignificant reason we have. We don´t even need a reason. We have a God-given right to be loud-mouthed a-holes, so you´d better start giving us what we want, when we want it. Or else...or else we´ll keep whining. Don´t like it? Pull the plug. We dare you. /end sarcasm Admins of all the Freelancer servers: Keep up the good work. They say it´s a thankless job, well, I want to offer my continued thanks for the free service you provide. I´ve spent many hours enjoying myself in servers represented here in these forums. Keep up the good work! <img src=´http://clanjfp.org/images/sig_jay_fl.jpg ´> <A href=´http://clanjfp.org/´ Target=_Blank>http://clanjfp.org</a> &quot;The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.&quot; - Thomas Jefferson

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade> Oh boo hoo. Guys, just because you´ve opened up a computer to allow people to play FL doesn´t mean that they owe you jack. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> We do own the server and global domain my butt. Read the disclaimers the next time open Freelancer and don´t click/click/click thru the game menus before thinking you´re entitled to diddly squat. I know I´m not, what makes anyone else any better? Last time I checked you didn´t pay my bills. If you did I´d have a lot more Direct TV stations. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • I must disagree with the above comments. Browclops is shutting down and many of its residents are still missing that server. It has been quite a bit longer than an hour or two, since we stopped playing there. Browclops did not just offer a well-run stable server, but a very rich culture and the monkey theme. Browclops did not hesitate to use the ban gun, when needed, but he didn´t hesitate to help players when they were in need either. Above all, he treated players with respect and he gets it in return. Browclops is truely appreciated and will be missed. The reason this thread is here is not because we are being ungrateful &quot;a-hole&quot; players. Unjust banning/deleting isn´t the only reason either. The reason this thread was posted here is because of the lack of empathy/sympathy/consideration/respect given to victims when they ask for help and explanations. The excessive sarcasm detracts from the point of this thread. The insults and sarcasm directed to the admins make us look like a bunch of ungrateful players that have no respect for admins. Sure players get angry and get a little pissy while argueing a point. Arbitrary sarcasm does not help our case at all. When reading your comments, they appear to be against the admins at first glace, but they do nothing other than hurt the credibility of the truely concerned players. Regulator