"HALO" System?

  • Well, i have thought of this... shall we two make a new &quot;Halo&quot; system? I will learn you everything i know (New systems, bases, persons in bar, names, infocards, patrols... etc) but we have to ask someone to help/give us a walkthrought on the making of ships (Covenant Battlecruiser, yay <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) and a walkt./help on making Halo. Ides: <b>SHIPS </b>: Ghost, in space. Covenant Dropship Marines Dropship &quot;Wartog&quot; in space...? Bashee Pillar of Autumn (Base) <b>WEAPONS </b>: Covenant Weps. Machinegun with 2000 ammo. &quot;Wartog&quot; minigun 2000 ammo. The Covenant Bazooka <b>FACTIONS </b> Covenant Flood Earth humans/survivors My email is sebbe@lunu.net <img src=´http://halo.bungie.org/images/cornershots/chiefhead.jpg ´> Join <A href=´http://www.freewebs.com/orillion/index.htm´ Target=_Blank>The Order</a>, check out our homepage for more info. Edited by - Orillion on 03-11-2003 23:11:47 Edited by - Orillion on 03-11-2003 23:12:33

    [img=http://img135.exs.cx/img135/3004/kaworu1uy.jpg] [img=http://img135.exs.cx/img135/3066/evaseries5gg.jpg] [img=http://img135.exs.cx/img135/9940/asuka7rs.jpg]

  • Well, i have thought of this... shall we two make a new &quot;Halo&quot; system? I will learn you everything i know (New systems, bases, persons in bar, names, infocards, patrols... etc) but we have to ask someone to help/give us a walkthrought on the making of ships (Covenant Battlecruiser, yay <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>) and a walkt./help on making Halo. Ides: <b>SHIPS </b>: Ghost, in space. Covenant Dropship Marines Dropship &quot;Wartog&quot; in space...? Bashee Pillar of Autumn (Base) <b>WEAPONS </b>: Covenant Weps. Machinegun with 2000 ammo. &quot;Wartog&quot; minigun 2000 ammo. The Covenant Bazooka <b>FACTIONS </b> Covenant Flood Earth humans/survivors <img src=´http://halo.bungie.org/images/cornershots/chiefhead.jpg ´>

    [img=http://img135.exs.cx/img135/3004/kaworu1uy.jpg] [img=http://img135.exs.cx/img135/3066/evaseries5gg.jpg] [img=http://img135.exs.cx/img135/9940/asuka7rs.jpg]

  • if u r planning to have a covenant battle cruiser u have to use ur imagination cause u only see like the very tip of one in the halo 2 trailer some1 also made a halo system b4 i dont know who? I am one without reason


  • i think you are talking of that mod called &quot;The Ring&quot; But i dont think any halo stuff was in it, though it was intended too :O Just in case you are wondering, i look new, but ive been on this site for about a year, i just havent been in the forums for about 5 months And when he gets to heaven to Saint Peter he will tell: One more soldier reporting sir I´ve served my time in hell

    And when he gets to heaven to Saint Peter he will tell: One more soldier reporting sir I`ve served my time in hell

  • ive had a few ideas here they are ships pilliar of autumn longsword covenant cruiser the covent space fighter briefly described in the book the flood i have a copie pelican banshee or covenant dropship bases halo ring world forrunner construct covanat battle ship (huge) human comand carrier factions flood covenant marines

    Phoenix Squadron leader Republic mod modder and ship builder

  • .... And when he gets to heaven to Saint Peter he will tell: One more soldier reporting sir I´ve served my time in hell

    And when he gets to heaven to Saint Peter he will tell: One more soldier reporting sir I`ve served my time in hell

  • you get a full shot of a cruiser in the trailer, trust me. and in the game you get some shots from the side, and in the E3 trailer more shots of it. as for the unsc cruiser, im converting one from a 3ds with someone else´s permission, but god nows when it will be finished.

  • Hey if anyone wants to help me create the Skins to the ships, bases, etc. just e-mail me. When I have everything ready I will create the Halo System using FL Explorer (THANK GOD FOR SUCH A PROGRAM!!!).