Rebalance MOD Open Play

  • im sorry for posting in the wrong spot, but come on... if you can post to tell me im wrong, you can post to answer the question, or just not post at all. I may have made a simple mistake, but atleast im not posting pointless bullsh*t....well, except for right now.......

  • IllyB - well, your endearment means that answers aren´t going to be coming at all. Suffer in silience i say. You need to consider a few things first though. 1. Not everyone has the rebalance mod - so they won´t know anything 2. Not everyone knows alot about modding - so they might just not know 3. Not everyone is going to know that bini files come with rebal for this task, and that infact those do it. 4. Not everyone is going to want to help someone who asks for help then starts flaming immediatley 5. Not everyone overlooks the fact that perhaps: a) Using the mod feedback forum *(where the rebalance mod has a thread for help topics etc) would show some thought, intelligence, and consideration. b) That reading the readme file that comes with the mod might yield some useful information to help you c) That Michael Dans email is also contained in his profile on the site - so you can reach him really easily to ask him. After all - he made the mod, wouldn´t logic dictate that he is the best person to answer it. 6. Did you actually activate the mod, then go to the freelancer directory, and THEN double click on the bini file? or did you do it in the mod manager before activation? Have you really thought before posting your question? Did you really look before posting this question?? I think not. Now - perhaps if you HAD then you would have got the right forum for starters. Secondly, maybe if you had, you wouldn´t have had to post at all - as the info would have been contained upon the pages in his thread. Personally - I suspect number 6 is your problem, but for the life of me i have NO idea why I posted all this. All your demonstration of LACK of thought LACK of patience and LACK of freindlyness to those that COULD help you, means that i for one don´t know why the bloody hell I just have, or why i even wasted my time answering this question. For the love of God. 1) THINK in future 2) LOOK in future 3) BE CONSIDERATE in future - the Freelancer world does NOT revolve around you and YOUR plight at all. Sorry, but after seeing around about 6 threads like this in the past two weeks, i really wonder if poeple come to the website with closed eyes......or if their brains have been subdued by Wolfies posts in off topic <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <A href=´http:\´ Target=_Blank> <img src=´http:\ ´> </a>