dagger against titan

  • When you encounter titans flying around, they´re usually in groups of 3 or more. That´s what he meant "There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don´t"

  • Hello it´s sounding like a PVP match

    -~-~-~-~ You have called down the Thunder. Now reap the Whirlwind. Warning! In the intrest of safety it is advisable to keep Heltak away from Fire and Flames! He that humbleth himself wishes to be exalted. Hope in reality is the worst of all evils be

  • As a Lane Hacker at Mactan once said : "He must be really good, or really stupid."

    Echo Zulu Ops requesting Bouncy Bears Strike. "Roger EZO, BB Carpet Bombers Inbound. Stay Tight and Let `Em Hang, Boys."

  • You can do it quite easily with an Adv Stunpulse, so long as you can keep it in your sights. Which, admittedly, isn´t much of a problem<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> &quot;There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don´t&quot;

  • I´ll never know how a Dagger could possibly defeat a Titan. If a Titan got about three shots in, you´re dead. Whereas you need about 433452351 shots. And actually, I often see lone Titans, though not Sabres or anything else. Probably just ´cos I spend all my time Omnicron Gamma...

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>If a Titan got about three shots in, you´re dead <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> That´s the whole point of using LFs as VHF killers - they don´t get those shots in because you can make your ship dance &quot;There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don´t&quot;

  • Anyone with a remote trace of skill can defeat a LF in a Titan, unless they´re playing against some kind of god or something. The way you kill them is, that there is always a point where the two players see each other from a distance and move towards each other. If you´re flying straight at a decent player in a Titan, you haven´t got a chance. No matter how good at maneouvering you are. And, anyway in PvP, both players would have regen shields. This would make it near impossible for a LF to win, without hitting the Titan near constantly, which would make him an easy target.

  • That and not to mention that the titan can just park, go to turret view and just shoot at the fly <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • I must disagree, the titan turns too slow and the LF is too smal too hit at range

    -~-~-~-~ You have called down the Thunder. Now reap the Whirlwind. Warning! In the intrest of safety it is advisable to keep Heltak away from Fire and Flames! He that humbleth himself wishes to be exalted. Hope in reality is the worst of all evils be

  • If it´s a PvP match, then the LF pretty much has not a chance under the sky in winning. Unless this is a modded game, a human in a dagger would have a real tough time beating a human in a Titan. But, If we´re talking Human vs. NPC, the Dagger may well have won with a few tricks and well placed mines to prevent unopposed motion. I don´t believe in all this &quot;It´s all the ship, not the pilot&quot; crap. I believe that a real good pilot in a starflier could well defeat a Titan or a Battleship singlehandedly. Light Fighters are the natural born Understimation. Most people would rather be unstoppable, but what´s the point in that if you won´t have a challenge. And, I´m sorry, the single best feeling in the world is bringing down A VHF in a Hawk. I´ve done it before, I was flying solo in a Hawk in Tau-37 a long time ago. I undocked from Freeport 10 and lying in front of me there were no Outcasts or anyone friendly to me, but a dozen, yeah twelve, Hammerheads. By the end I had missed and hit Freeport 10 so many times I couldn´t dock so I stumbled into Malta with no Batts or Nano´s, missiles, mines, CM´s, nearly no hull strength, and no wings. But my cargo bay was full of nice expensive BH weaps and loads of commodities.


  • it was a pvp! and i used 3 weapons Adv Stunpulse to bring the shield down and 2 slingshots the guy was not a grate pilot, he turns slow and his weapons where slow(diamont and wildfire) so i could keep his back but even if i bring the shield down slowly with the weapons the titan still have 12000 of hull so i had to change tatic and hit him fast in the front and do no get hit by his guns after 30 slingshots his ship was on fire and i killed him! it was pretty hard... Edited by - chucruts on 3/21/2004 10:08:58 AM

  • chucruts , you inspried me to have a go, i ambused this guy in a titan going through a trade lane in new london. I was smashed. Might have been the wepons i was carrying but iam not going to blame them, iam gonna practise until i beat someone in a titan w

  • Hmmm I think I can already see where the guy´s (with the titan) problem is at. When fighting against a small quick target, don´t resort to big guns. Anything with fast reload, and high speed does a lot better. Preferably a laser or photon based weapon. They don´t need high dps, they just have to be precise. So yeah... still think it´s impossible to beat titan if the guy in it knows what he´s doing. Like said park the titan and go to turret view assign turn left/right to keyboard so you can just rotate like a weapon platform.

  • Macaan , what weaps did u use??? i did also vhf-killing in my dagger, against some i lossed, against some i won... i used this setup (also in 245k missions); - adv. stunpulse - slingshot missile launcher - sweeper missile launcher (maybe better t

  • I used... Advance stun pulse two slingshot misslies Advance counter.m hornet cruise missiles And for some reason a justice turret just because i didnt have enthough money to get something better, I wasent that well off, i saw my target and just went for it before it got away. iam gonna try your wepons and do it again tomoro -Therefore i am

  • &quot;So yeah... still think it´s impossible to beat titan if the guy in it knows what he´s doing. Like said park the titan and go to turret view assign turn left/right to keyboard so you can just rotate like a weapon platform.&quot; if the titan do it, it is a easy target if the titan is moving it is harder to atack and gives time to the shield reload